Chapter 14

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WARNING: Daniel, deadnaming

Logan's text notification went off and he tried to find his phone in the bottom of his bag.

"D'you have a whole X-Wing in there too?" Virgil asked, jumping onto his desk. Logan pulled his phone out of his bag.

"Nope." He said. "Just a far too loud text tone." He read the text. "And my meds."

"Meds?" Roman repeated. "Like, medication?"

"Mhm." Logan nodded, sending a quick text back to Pat and searching for his meds. "Meds, medication, drugs, whatever you want to call it."

"What for?" Remus asked.

"None of your business." Logan said, reading the label for the 100th time. "Two tablets, water, cool."

Remus stared as Logan pulled a little plastic cup out of his bag with his water bottle. "Jesus, what else do you have in there?!"

Logan looked up at him before checking in his bag. "Um, bookmark, extra book, small First Aid kit-"

"First Aid kit?" Janus repeated.

"Yeah, that's what I said." Logan said, unscrewing the top of his meds bottle.

"Moving on from that, why is your text tone a lightsabre?" Roman asked.

"Why isn't yours a lightsabre?" Logan asked, not focused on anyone in the room. "We could go on like this for hours. Which I'd rather not do cause then you'd see me off my meds and that's not so fun." Logan swallowed the pills and his half-cup of water.

"What are your meds for?" Remus pressed.

"I'm not telling you and you'd never guess." Logan said, packing away his water and cup.

"Alright idiots." Alerted them to the people at the door. Freddie and Daniel, back again. Daniel clicked at Janus.

"Off the desk, now." He said. Janus rolled his eyes.

"Or what?" Janus asked. Daniel looked at Freddie, who cracked his knuckles. Janus laughed. "Oh, please, I'm not scared of you." Janus said. "You're weak, for one thing, and about as scary as a lamb, for another."

Freddie glared at Janus but didn't say anything. Remus looked between Freddie and Janus.

"Holy shit, you got Freddie to shut up." Remus said. "Holy shit, you're magic!"

Janus shrugged. "I just have leverage, let's just say that." He looked at Freddie and smirked a little. "Don't forget, Freds."

Freddie looked away, grimacing. He noticed Logan hurrying to put his meds away.

"Excuse me, Amelia." Freddie said, making Logan freeze. "What's in your hand?"

"You know my name's changed on the register, right?" Logan said, not moving and not looking up. "I may not be able to tell on Daniel because of his mum but I can just as easily tell on you for your transphobia."

Freddie walked up to Logan's desk and put his hands on the desk. "What's in your hand, Amelia?" He said slowly and deliberately.

"My meds, okay?" Logan asked, throwing his meds in his bag.

"Drugs?" Freddie asked.

"Med-i-cation." Logan said, spelling out the word.

"I'm hearing drugs, Amelia." Freddie said. "You're doing drugs."

"What I'm 'doing' is prescribed medication." Logan said. He looked about ready to snap. "If that's illegal now, lock me up and throw away the key. But, last time I checked, it's not. So you've got nothing against me."

Logan stood up, towering over Freddie, and placed his hands on the desk like Freddie had. "Want to try me, Freddie? Cause I'm about ready to fucking punch someone and you look like a good candidate right about now."

"Okay. Go on then." Freddie said, clearing disbelieving of Logan. Logan almost smiled.

"You know, I just think I will." Logan said and threw a punch right at Freddie's nose. Freddie stumbled back, clutching his nose.

"The fuck, man?!" Freddie yelled, his eyes watering. Logan laughed and sat down, shaking his hand.

"Don't mess with me." He said, picking his book back up. "And thank you. I am a man." He grinned at Freddie and opened his book.

Please comment on the story today. Please. I need to know if this is even decent or not.

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