Follow Me

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Terri was blind. He had been since he was a little boy. His parents had taught him how to read in braille and walk without seeing where he was going. Their house, the big old mansion on the top of the hill was old and very big; too big for the poor boy to navigate by himself, so they decided to get Terri a seeing-eye dog.

The two of them quickly became an inseparable duo. They named the dog Buster and he followed Terri wherever the boy might go.

He would tell the dog 'Follow me, Buster,' and the dog would obey without question, guiding him past things that would be harmful and always remaining within arm's reach.

Terri's favorite part of the mansion, and the one that he and Buster visited most often, was the old wing. It had been boarded up a long time ago for reasons Terri didn't know. But, unbeknownst to his parents, Terri had found a way inside.

He thought the air tasted funny here. It was much older than the rest of the house and his every footstep echoed loudly. Oftentimes, he would have to stop and strain to listen because he thought maybe, just maybe, there were some other footsteps following his.

He never could prove it though.

There were suits of armor in one room. Furniture covered by dusty sheets in another. And then, there was the locked door at the very end of it all. Buster did not like this door. He didn't like this part of the mansion. Something bothered him every time they came here and Terri knew it. He felt bad that his friend hated it here but he had to know what was behind the door! So, for the next several weeks, with Buster by his side, Terri began searching for the key.

When he found the key, it was in a drawer on the opposite end of the mansion, in his parents' room. He should have known they would have it!

Terri then left for the old wing. This time when he entered, Buster whimpered more loudly than ever before. The whimper grew as they neared the big door. But Terri didn't listen to him. He unlocked the big door and stepped inside a very cold, very old room.

It stank in here, though he wasn't sure if that was from age or something else. Terri swallowed.

"Follow me, Buster." He said.

Buster's whimper became a whine, but, eventually, he obeyed.

The room was filled with tables and beakers. Terri found a cage as well, near the back of the stone room., roughly the size of Buster but maybe a bit bigger. The door to it was open. Buster whined even more loudly than before. Finally, with his hair standing on end, Terri decided to leave.

"Alright, Buster

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"Alright, Buster." He said. "Let's get out of here."

He could hear as Buster's pads turned around, back the way they had come, but then, it sounded as though Buster struck one of the tables. There was a yelp as glass fell and shattered on cold stone. Buster's padded feet darted out of the room and Terri was left in the big empty chamber, alone.

"Buster!" He cried. "Don't leave me!"

Terri shuffled forward, past the broken beakers and bottles. He felt something wet on the ground but wasn't sure what it was. It didn't feel like water. It was thicker? Maybe there had been something in the beakers. Gross.

He was alone for quite some time. Even Buster's whimpering and yelping eventually died away. Finally, though, he emerged from the room.

"Buster?" He called. "Buster! If you can hear me, follow me, boy!"

Still, there was nothing. Terri was getting worried. He had been back here plenty of times though, so he began to walk back to the entrance very slowly. About halfway he called out for Buster again.

This time, he heard padded feet coming his way. Relief flooded his body. Where had the silly dog gone? He was acting more like a scaredy-cat than--

Terri's feet bumped into something that wasn't supposed to be there. He knelt, confused. His hand found fur.

It was Buster's fur.

He was breathing, but his breaths were shallow, and Terri's hand came back wet. Was it... blood?

Meanwhile, the sound of padded feet was getting closer...

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