The Stranger

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It was late that night and a storm had been brewing. Lily had a wonderful time at the party, but she needed to go home. Her friend, Desarae, decided to escort her there. It was windy when they left and the city was very dark.

"It's so cold!" Lily said.

"I think it feels wonderful." Desarae replied. She smiled as the wind whipped her hair. 

Such an odd girl. Most people would have been chilled to the bone by now. As they walked, Lily kept a brisk pace, feeling the slightest patter of rain on her cheek. They stopped at one of the old lamp posts on the corner for Lily to gain her bearings.

That's when she noticed that someone was following them.

The figure was still a distance away but there was no denying it. Lily whispered to Desarae, "Do you see that person?"

"Yes." Desarae said.

"I think they're following us." Lily said, a little scared. "What do we do?"

"Let's take a bit of a longer way. See if they are." Desarae said.

Lily thought this was a good idea, so the two girls began taking a slightly different path home. It began to rain; lightly at first, but then heavier. When Lily looked behind her again, she saw that figure was indeed following them.

"What do we do?" Lily asked.

"We need to lose them." Desarae said. "Quick, this way!"

She grabbed hold of Lily's wrist and began running. Desarae's grip was strong. She pulled on Lily so hard that it hurt. She could hear the stranger's footsteps behind them as the figure tried to keep pace. Once or twice, Lily would look behind her to see the flash of a knife. Finally, however, after running and taking this and that shortcut, they found themselves in an alley, finally free of the stranger.

It was raining even harder now and Lily was soaked to the bone. How was Desarae not cold?

Now Lily didn't know where they were. She had never gone to this part of the city. She was still very scared. Desarae, however, was not. She seemed happy, like a flower soaking in the rain.

"Where are we?" Lily asked.

"Away from that man." Desarea said. "He won't bother us now."

She hadn't let go of Lily's arm. Was she scared too? Lily tried thinking back to all the times they had been scared together, but she was having a hard time doing so; not because her friend was brave. Lily had a hard time remembering Desarae at all. It was like she hadn't existed up until the party. Come to think of it, Lily hadn't been herself when they were leaving...

Lily was about to say something to Desarae, when the glint of a knife cut her words short. The figure that had been following them leaped from the dark. Lily cried out but realized the figure hadn't been aiming for her.

Desarae let out an inhuman shriek as the stranger attacked her.

"Run!" The figure told Lily desperately. "Go before it's too late!"

And Lily did. She ran down the alleyway as fast as she could, stopping only for a moment to see two strangers fighting in the rain--one with a knife; and the other with a mass of tentacles where their face should be.

 She ran down the alleyway as fast as she could, stopping only for a moment to see two strangers fighting in the rain--one with a knife; and the other with a mass of tentacles where their face should be

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