Till Death Do They Part

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In the days of castles and kings, there was a princess by the name of Emily. Emily could have had anything she wanted whenever she wanted it. Yet, when it came time for her to be married, the one man she wanted was just beyond her reach. His name was Sam.

Sam was a peasant. He fell in love with Emily the day he saw her. From that time on, they met in secret. They plotted to be together forever.

Sam said, "Emily, nothing can keep us apart. Not even death!"

Finally, it came time for the two of them to run away. Emily had planned most of it. They were to meet at the great bridge connecting the two kingdoms. It would be late at night, of course, so no one would see them. Emily would be wearing a dark cloak and carrying a small lantern.

Sam would have to wear the same and carry his own lantern. When they would meet, Sam would have to prove to Emily that it was him by holding out a small pendant before they were close enough to speak. The two agreed and went about their separate ways.

The days couldn't go by fast enough. All seemed well...

Except for the king. The King heard from one of his spies that the two were planning on running away together. He was furious!

In his anger, the king ordered his men to find Sam and kill him. They went on their way without a second thought.

The night of Emily and Sam's escape came quickly. It was a foggy night, and the mist from the moors blanketed the ground. Princess Emily waited on the bridge, her lantern shining in the dark. She waited for Sam. And waited. And waited. She waited well into the night but still he hadn't come for her.

Then, she saw a figure on the road.

They didn't look like Sam--the shape and walk was all wrong. Not to mention they didn't even have a lantern. However, they were coming toward her and Princess Emily started to feel that something was wrong.

She was about to douse her lantern when her lantern's light caught the very edge of the stranger's clothes. Those were Sam's shoes. His pants. His shirt. It was then that she saw the figure was holding something out to her. It was the pendant she'd given him!

She brought the lantern up to see Sam's face.

Emily let out a scream.

Samwas dead. She ran away, back to the castle and hid herself in her room. Thenext morning, footprints were found leading to the castle, but they lookedstrange--as though the man they belonged to walked with a strange limp.Princess Emily was nowhere to be found either. However, the king's guards did find a pendant in her room.

 However, the king's guards did find a pendant in her room

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