The Slither

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It was very late one night. Four friends--Amy, Charlotte, James, and Zack--were driving home from town. The road was dark and there wasn't a single light in sight. It was a long road that twisted through dark mountains where the trees grew close together. Rain fell, thick and heavy.

The friends were telling each other scary stories to pass the time.

"And just as they turned the corner..." James said, nearing the end of his story.

"Then what?" Amy asked.

James was about to get to the best part when Zack stopped the car. The four of them went jolting forwards, constrained only by their seat belts.

"Why'd you stop the car?" Charlotte asked.

Zack pointed straight ahead. The headlights fell on a large crumpled tarp in the middle of the road. Now the four of them were already scared, on account of how dark it was and the scary stories they'd been telling one another. The tarp could be hiding anything and the four of them stared at it, worried.

"Who would just leave a tarp in the middle of the road?" James asked.

"Probably blew out of the back of someone's truck." Zack said. "No need to worry."

"Should we just drive over it?" Amy asked.

But Zack was already driving around it. They started further down the road, leaving the tarp behind.

"That was weird." Charlotte said.

Amy looked behind them, but it was pitch black. "Hope no one drives over it." She said.

The four of them soon stopped mentioning the tarp and brushed the whole thing off as a weird coincidence. But then, several miles later, as they came to another turn, Zack had to stop the car again.

In front of them, caught in the car's headlights, was the exact same tarp.

"There's no way that's the same one." James said.

Amy scooted back in her seat. "This has to be some sort of joke right?" She asked.

Zack decided to get out of the car. He walked over to the tarp, approaching it slowly. When he arrived, he gave it a close look. Not seeing anything odd about it, he bent down and lifted up an edge. Terrified, Zack put it down and half ran to the car.

"What's wrong?" Charlotte asked when he got back in the car.

Zack was breathing heavily and his eyes were wide. "Th-th-there was a b-b-body!" He said.

"That's not funny." Amy said, moving further back in her seat.

But Zack wasn't laughing. "I'm not kidding!" He said. He pulled out his phone. "We have to call the police now."

The others pulled out their phones too. After a few minutes of trying, none of them could get reception.

"This is crazy." James said. "You better not be playing a joke on us."

"I'm not." Zack said. "There was a body under the tarp. If you don't believe me then just go outside and--"

 If you don't believe me then just go outside and--"

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