Best Friends

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Gina spent most of her days locked in her room, like a good girl. It wasn't her choice, not really. Her parents told her to. They had the key and wouldn't let her out. They would feed Gina through a slit in the door. It wasn't so bad, but Gina didn't have a lot of friends. She did however have a best friend, it being the other Gina in the mirror.

This girl in the mirror looked just like her, talked like her and mimicked her every move. Even though she didn't always have a lot to say, it was better than being alone.

Gina would sing to her friend in the mirror. They would talk even if it was mostly one sided. Then, sometimes, they would share stories.

"...And that's why Mom and Dad give me pills." Gina said. "What about you? Is it cold on the other side?"

"Oh yes." The other Gina said. Very cold. There aren't many people over here."

"That sounds sad."

"It's really nice. I promise."

And Gina would believe her friend. But there were sometimes that the other Gina would say things about Gina's parents--things that were mean and not true. The other Gina said they did not love Gina and that she was a prisoner.

"They do love me!" She would yell at the girl in the mirror.

"No. They don't. I can prove it to you."


"The next time they give you your pills, don't take them. At least, not right away."

"But they would be mad at me." Gina said. And she stopped talking to her mirror friend for a while after that. They got this way whenever the other Gina said anything bad about the real Gina's parents. However, when Gina would glance at the mirror, she would find the other girl didn't seem mad at her. In fact, she kept looking back at her and smiling.

Then, one day, after Gina's parents gave her pills, the other Gina said. "Hold on. Don't take them yet."


"Trust me. They won't know. At least for now."

"I don't know..." Gina said.

"If you feel better, then you'll know I was telling the truth."

Gina finally decided that this sounded good, so she listened to the other Gina. Nothing bad happened to her. In fact, Gina had never felt better. Maybe the other Gina was right after all...

Slowly, Gina began listening to her friend in the mirror more and more. Soon, she wouldn't take her pills. Gina drew on the walls and sang so loudly at night that her parents were forced to talk to her. But not even that worked.

She fought them every time they tried stopping her, and then, one day, she hit them hard. After that, men in white coats came to take her away. They were stronger than her parents. Gina screamed as they pulled her out of the house and drove away to a sad little building on a hill, where she was forced to take nasty medicine and was very, very alone in a tiny grey room with a single mirror. She thought she might see her friend, but even the other Gina had left her.

Then again, why would the Other Gina be there? Not when she had a whole room to herself now. Alone once again...

 Alone once again

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