The Dead Man's Glasses

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When Robbie was a little boy, his grandfather died. The day of the funeral, Robbie felt like someone was watching him but he didn't know who it could be. It creeped him out. Later, when they held the wake at his grandmother's house, he found his grandfather's old glasses. Robbie put them on to see how his grandfather saw. He took them off without thinking much about it and spent the rest of the day with his family.

It was a few days after that. Robbie saw a stranger in his neighborhood. They stood very far away, on a hill, and just stared over the neighborhood. Robbie didn't know what they were staring at, but he could have sworn it was him.

"Mom?" He asked one day.

"Yes?" She said.

"Who is that man?" Robbie asked, pointing.

His mother looked confused and said, "I don't see anyone, dear."

But Robbie saw. Over the next few years, Robbie saw the man more and more. He was always at a distance, always staring, never really changing. As time went on, however, the stranger was slowly getting closer.

Robbie could tell what he was wearing now. A black suit and tie. Always had sunglasses on. He would see the man at school, in his classes, at recess, at home. Even when his family went on vacation. The closer the man got, the more Robbie started to fear him.

"What do you want?" He yelled at the man one day. The stranger stood at the end of the sidewalk, hands in his pockets.

Like always, he didn't say anything. He just continued to stare.

Robbie grew from a boy into a man. He went to college, got a career and raised a family. Yet, every day now, the stranger stood at a distance, sometimes as close as his neighbor's backyard. His children would play and there were moments they would get near the man, but would never react. No one could see him, except Robbie.

Robbie told no one about the man. He kept the secret for many years. But, as the stranger came closer and closer, Robbie had a harder time hiding his fear. The day came that Robbie saw the man in his house. He was an old man now, and his children had children of their own. He let out a yell that scared his wife half to death.

He told her that there was a man in their house, but his wife didn't see him. Word spread that he was seeing things, and his children tried to give him medication. Nothing helped. The stranger was always there and he was getting closer.

Then, finally, Robbie got very sick. The doctors could do nothing for him. His family cried and his wife stayed with him until the very last moments.

As did the stranger.

He was so close now, Robbie could smell the sweet cologne on his suit. He had never seen the stranger's eyes. Even now, they were hidden behind black sunglasses.

That's when Robbie finally understood.

"You're Death, aren't you?" He asked.

The stranger nodded, then reached out a pale hand.

Robbie died that day. He went quietly into the afterlife, with his wife by his side. She said that he had been talking to someone, but she wasn't sure if it was in his head or that someone had been there. Either way, as they were holding his funeral, she stumbled across an old pair of glasses. Robbie never wore glasses, even in his old age. They were his grandfather's.

Curious, she decided to try them on, just once...

Curious, she decided to try them on, just once

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