Always Watching

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A man came into town one day. He said he was going to build a great stadium for rodeos. The weeks passed by and, sure enough, his stadium was built. Soon, every night, people from far and wide would come in to watch the shows. The man became very rich because of this and people silently wondered how he had done it.

Well one night, a boy named Jeff got tickets to the rodeo. He was very excited to see the horses and bulls. Just before the rodeo was about to start, he took a seat near the top of the stands. That night was a wild one. The bulls were especially riled up and were throwing cowboys left and right. It was entertaining, but painful to watch.

About the middle of the rodeo, Jeff accidentally dropped his wallet between the stands. Cursing his luck, he looked down to find the wallet. It was hard to see, given the height, and because it was getting darker, the wallet blended in with the ground. He would have to get it before it was stolen.

But then, Jeff saw something else. A few feet from his wallet were a pair of bright white eyes and a nose. The eyes did not blink, but stared through him. The rest of the face was covered by dirt.

Jeff blinked, and wondered if he was seeing things

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Jeff blinked, and wondered if he was seeing things. He rubbed his eyes. When he looked back, the eyes and nose were gone. After that, he was too scared to go down there, at least not yet. When the rodeo finished, he gathered up his courage and went behind the stands. It took him a moment to find his wallet but, after shuffling around in the dark, he did.

Jeff bent down to pick it up but stopped.

A little further in front of him, hiding in the dark, was a pair of bright white eyes and the outline of a nose. The eyes seemed to glow faintly so that he could see them. They did not blink but stared at him.

Now he was sure he wasn't seeing things.

"H-hello?" He asked.

The thing said nothing but continued to stare. Jeff felt his skin crawl. He began to slowly walk back but he dared not look away. The thing did not move but continued to stare without blinking. Jeff had backed well out of the stands, but he could still see it. Finally, he turned around and ran for his home, not stopping until he was in his house.

That night he did not sleep well. He couldn't stop seeing the eyes! He pulled the covers up over his head and shut his eyes, hoping to fall asleep.

He heard scratching in his room. A door creaking open.

Jeff opened the covers just enough to look out of them. His room was dark and that made it hard to see. Suddenly, he saw it! The bathroom door was open by a crack and the moon shed a little light on the floor in front of it. But there they were, the eyes from the ground. Bright white and unblinking.

They watched him from his bathroom. Jeff was too scared to scream. A long rotting arm came out from the dark. With sharp nails, it began to carve something into the wood floor. Scritch. Scritch. Jeff couldn't bring himself to hide, so he watched it write a single word. Then, the arm moved back into the dark.

Slowly, he sank back into bed and drew the covers over his head. He kept telling himself that it was a nightmare. When morning came, he woke to find that the word was still there! It said, 'Murder'. That entire day, he thought about the arm and what it had written.

That night, he did not want to go to sleep. He kept the light on in his room and finally managed to sleep under the covers.

When he woke up, it was still night time, and the lights had been turned off.

A pair of bright white, unblinking eyes was at the foot of his bed. Jeff sat up. He was so scared he could barely breathe.

"What do you want?" He yelled at it.

The thing moved its rotting arm into the moonlight coming from the window. With a long, skeletal finger, it pointed at the word that had been carved into the floor.

"Murder? murdered?"

The arm retreated back into the darkness and the thing's eyes remained unblinking. Jeff thought back to where he had seen the thing the first time and realized what it meant. The moment he realized what it wanted, the eyes faded into the dark.

The next day, Jeff told the police that he thought the man who owned the rodeo had killed a person. At first, they thought he was pulling a prank, but then, after much pleading, Jeff got them to follow him.

He led the police officers to where he had dropped his wallet and said that the man buried the body there. The police began to dig. Soon, they came up with bones, a whole skeleton! But not just one. There were many.

Apparently, the man who owned the rodeo stole the land and killed the people that lived there. No one knew, until now. The man was arrested and Jeff never saw the eyes again. At least not when he was awake...

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