Trick or Treat

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Trick or Treat

It was Halloween. Cindy and her friends wanted this one to be special. They had been planning all afternoon, deciding which houses would give the best candy. All of Cindy's friends were there. This was going to be the best Halloween yet!


"I've got an idea." One of them said. "Why don't we spend the night in the graveyard?"

Her friends were only too eager to agree. Cindy, though, wasn't too sure.

"What about the candy?" She asked.

"Come on, Cindy!" They said, "Are you afraid?"

She was. Cindy believed in ghosts and graveyards were full of them. But she didn't want her friends to think she was too scared so she agreed.

Halloween night came and the neighborhood was filled with trick-or-treaters. Cindy wanted to get some candy but didn't have time. Her friends had to go the graveyard right away. She hadn't told her parents what they were going to do.

When they arrived at the graveyard, they came to a large iron gate. One by one, the kids slipped through the gate. Cindy was the last.

The graveyard was large and lit by the pale light of a half moon. There were no skeletons or ghosts to be seen. That didn't stop her from being afraid.

One of her friends said, "Why don't we play some hide and seek?"

Cindy hated that idea more than staying the night in the graveyard. She said nothing though, and her friends immediately started deciding on who would close their eyes and hide. They settled on Cindy.

"Go count for us!" They said. "And no peeking!"

Cindy went over by one of the graveyard's big trees, and leaned against it. She began to count. One, two, three... Until all her friends were gone. She was left alone. When Cindy was done counting, she looked around the graveyard. It was empty and that made her skin crawl.

"R-Ready or not, here I come!" She said.

Cindy began looking for her friends.

The graveyard was very quiet. A cold wind rustled through the trees. Cindy looked behind the headstones and the big trees. She wasn't finding anyone.

Finally, she came to a big mausoleum. Its doors were open and it was very dark inside. What better place for kids to hide? Cindy was very afraid to go inside, but decided to anyway.

"H-hello?" She said, voice echoing in the dark.

Once she was inside, the doors to the mausoleum slammed shut. Cindy screamed.

"Help!" She yelled.

She ran to the door and beat her fists on it. Outside, she could hear her friends. They were laughing at her.

"Scaredy cat, scaredy cat!" They said.

Cindy began to cry. "Please! Open the door!" She said.

But they wouldn't. Her friends laughed and laughed. Their laughter began to drift away. Cindy cried harder and tried to open the door. It wouldn't budge. She was trapped. Terrified, she sunk to her knees and curled up next to the door.

As the last echoes died, a heavy silence fell over the room. Her heart was pounding, louder and louder. It sounded like thunder in her ears. Just when she thought she couldn't take it anymore, the pounding stopped, and everything was perfectly quiet.

But the fear was still there. She took a breath. How long would she be here, in the dark? Cindy tried to think positive, but it wasn't helping. It was cold in the mausoleum, and it stunk of dead leaves and age.

Something rustled in the dark. Cindy froze.

"H-hello?" She asked.

"Hello." Replied a deep voice.

She started shaking. "Wh-who's th-th-there?"

"A friend." It said. A pair of burning eyes appeared at the other end of the mausoleum along with a jagged mouth. It reminded her of a jack o 'lantern. "I don't get many visitors. Did your friends play a prank on you?"

"Y-yes." She said shaking.

"Amateurs." It said with a laugh that made her skin crawl. "How about we play a prank on them now? Or, maybe a special sort of treat? What would you like to do, my guest?"

Cindy wasn't sure what to say. She gave the question some thought and then said, "What do you mean 'treat'? They won't g-get hurt, will they?"

"Not at all." It said. "In fact, they won't feel a thing."

Cindy nodded. "O-Okay. We can trick them then."

The smile widened. "Good. Good! But remember, if I do this for you, all I ask for is a treat in return. Sound good?"

She didn't know what it meant by 'treat' but she nodded anyway. "Yes." She said.

"Perfect." It said with glee. The eyes and mouth went dark. Cindy was left alone again.

It was several hours before the doors opened. It was the police. When Cindy hadn't come home, her parents went searching for her. They found out from one of her friend's parents that Cindy and her friends would be in the graveyard.

However, Cindy was the only one they found.

The police looked high and low for the others. No matter where they looked though, they couldn't find any trace of them. It was like they didn't exist anymore. No footprints, no signs. Nothing.

But Cindy knew the truth. It haunted her. One night, several weeks later, she got in bed and pulled the blankets up to her chin. She hadn't been sleeping well. Every night was a nightmare. But on this night, her nightmares came true.

Because from her closet she heard a voice. And with it came a pair of flaming eyes and a jagged smile.

It said, with a deep growl, "I'm ready for my treat now."


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