My CH AU x Y/N (Comfort Edition) 🚹x⚧

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Here is some Y/N stories! Tell me in the comments if you like this kind of thing and maybe I'll make more! Or I'll just make more because I think this is a cool idea. Either. :)



🇺🇸 America x Y/N

"Hey baby! Where are you, I found a really cool meme to show you!"
Ame chuckled, walking down the hall and into your room.

You freeze. Being caught by your boyfriend in the middle of a panic attack isn't the best experience to go thought. You really should get a lock for your door.

"Gah! U-Uh, I-I'm busy!"
You say, trying not to sniffle and covering you face with your blanket.

"Y/N! Oh my god, are you okay?! What happened?!"
Ame said in a panicked voice, rushing over to you and trying to get the blanket off of your face. After a few moments of fighting against him, you finally obliged. You look into his sapphire blue eyes, sparkling with worry and concern.

"I-it's really nothing..."
You try to avoid his gave so you don't see how concerned he is for you. It just makes you feel worse for troubling him.

"Baby, no, it's not nothing. You don't just cry for nothing," he puts his gloved hand on your cheek, the glove having his fingers cut out because he always insisted were cooler than normal gloves, "I mean, I do sometimes... but anyways, what happened, baby? Please tell me."
He insisted.

You paused for a second, thinking about what you should do. The pressure of it just weighting on you too much, you felt like you would burst again. And burst you did. You pull Ame to sit next to you and cling into his shirt, sobbing into his shoulder.

"A-Ame... I-I-I can't take it anymore! I-I, I what it all to stop! T-these feelings... they keep coming back again and again, I JUST WANT IT TO STOP!!"
You desperately cry into his shoulder.

Ame is shocked, he didn't expect this to happen. Seeing his beloved partner crying and suffering in-front of him cause tears of his own to run down his face.

"Shhhh.... I'm here, I'm here. No matter what it is, I'm here to help you with it. What can I do to help?"
He caressed your cheek and looks into your eyes.

"C-can we just... cuddle? Please...."
You answer.

"Yes, anything! I would love to."
He says sweetly, sliding over to be in the middle of your bed, laying down with you snuggled up to his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you.

"Now just relax... I'm here now... I've always been here for you. You are such a wonderful and amazing person, and if it's not cheesy to say, you inspires me. I don't know how you do it, but after everything you have been through, you still keep going. It's amazing. You're amazing."

His soothing words make your eyes heavier as the gentle breathing of his chest coaxes you off to sleep.

"You make me so happy, baby..."

🇷🇺Russia x Y/N

"Y/N,  breakfast is ready, it's time to get up."
You hear a voice from the other side of your bedroom door, followed by a soft knocking.

You only cling on tighter to your pillow, pulling the sheets over your head. You had been crying there since the morning, but since Russia gets up very early to work out, you woke up to see your boyfriend not in bed with you. It only made you feel worse. After a few long seconds of silence, you hear a few more knocks.

"Y/N, if you don't respond, I'm going to come in."
He says, his voice as stern as ever.

Still with no response, you hear the door open and footsteps approach your bed.

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