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Rose could not believe what the first challenge is. "I did not sign up for this." Gwen said making Rose nodded in agreement.

"Okay. Today's challenge is three fold." Chris said. "Your first task is to jump off this 1000 foot high cliff into the lake."

Rose sighed as she listened. Hearing that they are jumping in the water causing her to look down. She backed away into Duncan. "So, who wants to go first."

"Ladies first."

Rose looked at Duncan as she walked to the edge and looked back at Duncan. "See you later, handsome." She said before jumping. Rose landed in the water and smiled. She looked up and smiled. "Come on."

Duncan went after Rose as she saw him going in the water causing her to life. They went to the beach and watched the other team. rose watched as each one jumped, minus Courtney meaning that Dj was the only on the killer bass to wear the hat as Courtney and Beth wore theirs.
Rose was pushing her crate, but saw Tyler and the best friends go pee. "Great." She said. "We're running behind and those three are not helping."

Duncan grabbed her crate and started pushing. "Are you going to help, hot stuff?"

Rose rolled her eyes as they continued to push the crates to the camp ground. Once they finally made it, Rose laid her head down. "Aren't you missing a couple of white girls?" Leshawna said.

"Soaking the water." Rose said. "They peed over poison ivy." They nodded as they saw Courtney's eye. "Oh my god. What happened?'


Rose nodded as she looked at her team. "Let's get to work."

They all started working on their hot tub, but no one wasn't doing it right causing the tub to look bad. Rose looked down as she knew who won.
Duncan looked at Rose as they went to dinner. "We have to think of who will leave." She says.

"What about him?" Duncan said.

Rose heard Ezekiel causing her to glare at him. "What did you say?" She asked as the other girls on the team grabbed him. "I think I know who I want off this tell, Duncan."

At the ceremony, Rose sat listening to Chris explain how the marshmallow went. She heard Duncan's name and smiled, but that left her and Ezekiel. Duncan looked at the beauty tattoo artist hoping she was still in the game. "And the last marshmallow goes too..." Rose just waited patiently till she heard the name that surprised her. "Rose."

"What?" Rose said as she walked up to the others. "I'm still in."

The team cheered as Rose was still there. Duncan hugged Rose causing her to smile as they were safe. Loosing a member was okay, but Rose was going to have some fun while she's doing these challenges.

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