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Hearing the sound of an hellicopter, Rose woke up and fell out of the bed causing the girl to groan. "That was a rude awakening." She said raising up. "I'm going to the bathroom."

"Let's go." Bridgette said. 

The two girls walked out to the outhouse to see Beth and Lindsey standing there. "You have got to be joking." Rose mumbled as they got in line. 

"What's the hold up?" Bridgette asked. 

Rose sighed as she walked away. She was going to hide behind the bush and pee.
After using the bathroom, they all sat on the logs. Duncan put an arm around Rose as they listened to Chris. "All right campers, are you ready for the extreme max impact challenge?"

Chris started throwing beans at them. Duncan caught the can before it could hit Rose. She looked at him causing her to smile. Seeing paintball guns, Rose was suddenly interested. Duncan was put in a deer costume as was Rose. "Aww man." Rose said. 

"You look beautiful."

Rose smiled as she kissed his cheek. "Let's do this challenge."
Rose walked with her team as they had to hide from the other teams with the paintball guns. "I would be having so much fun if I was behind the gun."

"Duncan, are you trying to say you will hunt..." He covered her mouth as he dragge her behind a tree. 

Rose didn't say a word as she looked to see one of the Gophers, but Lindsey just kept walking. She looked at Duncan and smiled. "Thank you."

"Come on before we get caught." 

Rose smiled as she grabbed Duncan's hand and ran off to continue the game, but stop. "It's best if the two of us split."

"That works." Duncan says. "See you in a bit, beautiful."

"We better win, Duncan."
Rose was walking around thinking about what she should say to Duncan. Her feelings were there and Bridgette knew Rose liked Duncan. She stopped as she smelt someone farting. "Oh gross." She said. "Bye, Owen!"
Courtney saw Duncan and went to walk over to him as he walked away and right into Rose. Her antlers got tangeled up in Duncan's causing her to laugh. "Okay, I was not paying attention." 



"Do you want to make out?"

Rose bit her lips smiling. "I love too."
Rose and Duncan walked back together. Bridgette laughed as did Gwen. "Rose can't keep her hands off me."

"Says the guy who is a little hands on."

"I see we have a winner." Chris says as Bridgette helped separate the two making them laugh. 

Duncan pulled Rose to his side as the Bass won. "Yes." Rose says hugging Duncan. "We won. Again."

While the Gopher's were discussing who they were losing, Rose and Duncan found a little place to hide. "No one isn't watching. Right?"

"Nope." He said. "Now, since I didn't get to kiss you because of those antlers..."

Rose shut him up as she kissed him. Duncan was shocked, but kissed her back. The best win ever. 

Duncan and Rose are not dating yet.

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