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Rose had her head on the table as she heard Chris. "Harold snored all night." She tells him as she laid her head down. "Can we just sleep in?"

Duncan looked at Rose as he followed her lead. She heard Heather and raised up with a glare. Rose grabbed her bowl and tossed  it at Heather just to get Gwen. "Sorry, Gwen." She said as everyone started to head out to the next challenge.
Rose fell on the bleacher as Duncan laid on the bottom bleacher. "Wake us up and it'll be the last thing you do." Duncan said.

"Duncan, be nice." She tells them. "Wake me up if you need me."

The team nodded as Rose took a nap. Chris started explaining the rules, but Rose listened. Their team looked at Rose and Duncan as they know that they'll be waking Rose up first. The game started causing the killer bass to already have their first out. Rose groaned as she heard screaming causing Duncan to wake up and look at Rose.



"We need you." Bridgette says.

Rose nodded as she got up and smiled as she walked up to the next round, but she listened to them start fighting and cleared her throat. "I think if we work as a team and not as enemies, we can actually win a challenge." She said. "Let's get out there and try to win this."

All the balls were handed to Tyler causing Rose to squat down as the balls went everywhere till it hit Lindsay. "Awesome." She said as Tyler ran out to her just to get out.

Rose shook her head as she looked at Duncan as she was going to help. "You guys suck." They heard Heather.

The team looked at Duncan then to Rose. "Rose, you can wake up Duncan."

"Duncan, we need you." She said. "We are down to two and you are the only hope we have."

"Fine." He said. "Their lucky you woke me up."

Rose smiled as she walked over to the court and stood beside Duncan as the dodgeball started once again. Rose threw the ball and smiled as they were winning. All five players on the screaming gophers out. "Harold, stay right there."

Duncan looked at Rose as she was having fun. Rose saw Tyler and shook her head. They were tied and Harold once again was out. The whistle blew causing Rose and her team to go back out. Rose shook her head as Sadie kept getting knocked out. Gwen hit Rose causing Duncan to glare at her. "Not her." He said till he was out.

Rose looked at Duncan as he sat beside her. "You did good.' She tells him as Harold was left. "You got this Harold."

The team started cheering for Harold hoping he wins for them. Harold grabbed the ball making them think he lost, but he won. The killer bass left with Harold as everyone was cheering.
That night was the ceremony for the gophers. The person who went home was Noah.

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