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Rose was ready for a whole new challenge. She was walking by the boys cabin when underwear landed in front of her. "Gross!" She ccried out. "Harold, this is so disgusting. Why are you throwing your nasty underwear out?"

Harold looked at her. "No way. It wasn't me."


She said going to her cabin when she heard the announcement causing everyone to run to the dock. Rose wondered what this challenge is and how much more till they have a winner.
Roxy was with the other campers when Chef was shouting at them. She didn't say anything as he was in charge of the challenge and that scared Roxy a little bit as she could tell with the way he is acting that this challenge is a ruthless one.

Duncan grabbed her hand as Chef continued explaining the challenge. Hearing Heather ask where Chris was at, but they were instructed to call him Master Chef. "You know, I am really impressed with this challenge and Chef being in charge."

"Let's do this, babe."
Holding the boats, they had Chef and Chris on top. Roxy didn't say anything as they had to stay still. She was fine with this as she had to hold boxes after boxes like this for people. She heard some stomaches grumbling meaning some didn't eat before this challenge. Duncan looked at Roxy to see she was doing okay. "Man, you need to ask her out."

"I will. Soon."

After hours of holding the boats, the sun was down and it was dark out, but Roxy and her team mates were still hanging in there. They heard Izzy and knew. She was done and walked to the dock to ring the bell causing her team to lose the first challenge.
The next challenge is eating from the garbage causing Rose to sigh. "I'm not eating that either." Courtney tells them.

"Let me tell you something now, princess. That attitude is not going to get you elected into office. If you can't do one simple task then you won't be able to do what the people wants." Rose tells her. "Who knows, I might just run to prove you wrong."

Duncan put his arm around her. "This girl has my vote."

Courtney glared as she watched them walk away and start eating garbage. She glared as she watched them kiss. Why her and not me?
Later on, they all were copying Chef's moves. Duncan looked beside him as Rose was dancing along with him and was surprised with the moves she was doing. He wanted a different song. The radio turned off causing Rose to look at him. "What are you doing?"

"Dancing is not for me." He tells her.

Rose nodded as she watched him start doing push ups. "Why do you like him so much? All he's going to do is get you into trouble."

The tattoo girl looked at her. "Princess, I am trouble."

Courtney couldn't believe that Rose said that. She was hoping that would change the girls mind, but apparently, Rose's mind was already made up.
In the dining hall, they had to stay awake all night, no one is allowed to fall asleep till the essay was done. Rose wrote more than 300 words. She was tired, but she's done this before. Chef took her paper and read it shocking him. "How are you not tired?"

"There's a lot that you have to learn about me, baby." She tells Duncan. "I'm going to go to bed. See you at 0500 hours."

Duncan followed her as Courtney followed them. She wanted to see what had Duncan liking Rose so much. She saw him kiss her causing her to glare as she wished that was her. "Goodnight." She tells him.

"Goodnight, baby."

Courtney sighed as this shouldn't happen. Yet, she didn't give up her spot to be on the same team as Duncan, then again, she doesn't think that it would have mattered as he had his on Rose.
At 0500 hours, Rose stood listening to Chef. "You will all run this course until you can all complete it in under one minute." The white haired girl gave Chef a look as that was something she knew was impossible. "Am I making myself clear?"

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