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Rose was sleeping as she heard the sound of a plane. She got out of bed and walked out onto the porch to see what the noise was. She was dressed in her pajamas. She glared as she walked over to the rest. "I will kill him." She says.

"First up, X-Treme sofa bed skydiving!"

"Now, we're talking." Rose says.

"Contestants will plummet...uh...skydive to awaiting sofa bed target below." Chris tells them.

Chef jumped onto the sofa just for the fold out bed to fold up on him. Rose changed her mind as she heard the way Chef grunted. She heard Chris continue as he tossed out the bags as he named off Trent and Dj. The white hair girl looked at the moose. Next is the ones riding the moose for the X-Treme rodeo riding. Geoff for Bass and LaShawna for Gophers. Then finally the X-Treme seadoo water skiing.

"Contestant will water ski a race course grabbing as many flags they can before crossing the finish line." Chris continues on. "While a member from the opposing team drives the seadoo."

"How can we water ski without water?" Heather asked.

"She has a point." Rose says getting beside her.

"It's really hard. Check it out." Chris tells them.

They saw Chef waterskiing without what and saw how he crashed. Rose grabbed Duncan as she didn't like what she just saw. Hearing that Harold will be driving for their team. "Oh boy." Rose says. "We're going to lose."

Whatever team wins, gets to take a nice shower. Rose saw the shower and smiled. "Oh I really want that shower."

"Our team will when."

"I hope so."
Duncan found Rose with Gwen and Bridgette. The two were talking about the poem that was found. "I've seen the way he always scams an extra muffin for you. Like Duncan does for Rose."

Rose went to speak and looked at her friend. "Why bring me into this?"

"It's true. I've been cheering for you and him from day one." Gwen states.

"Just like you and Trent."

"Thanks, but Geoff is so into you." Gwen tells Bridgette.

"Agree." Rose says.

Duncan walked away as he wanted to surprise Rose. The girl was someone he wanted to keep. He saw how she was talking to Gwen and Bridgette.
Sometime that day, the Bass was pushing the couch. Till Geoff started showing off causing Rose to look up at Dj. "Oh crap." She says. "Hurry and push!"

They all started pushing the couch faster till they got it under Dj who slowly landed safely. "Nothing's broken?"

"Nope." Rose says.


They bed folded in on Dj and back to a couch causing Rose to look away as she didn't have anything to do with what happened. Duncan put his arm around her and walked her away.
The next challenge was the rodeo. Geoff was up, but the man lost his chance. Rose saw LaShawna riding. Gwen and Bridgette found Rose and hugged her. "What's with the hug?"

"We agreed that the note found was not from Geoff or Trent." Bridgette tells her.

"Okay. Than who?"

"We don't know."
Both teams were in a tie and it leaves whoever wins the X-Treme sea-doo water ski challenge wins invincibility. The Bass looked Rose causing her to smile. "Why don't you do it besides Harold?"

"No." Duncan says grabbing Rose. "Baby doesn't get touched or gets on things that is made for water."

The white haired girl looked at him. "Duncan, I can take care of myself. We know I can."

The challenge started and Rose noticed how Heather was doing everything to cause Harold was holding on still and doing good. Duncan kept his arms around she saw Heather as Harold had all five flag. "She's cheating." She says as she cut her top off. "Oh my god!"

Duncan turned his head around as he was not wanting to see that. They watched as Heather was too busy holding her chest and not watching caused the bass to lose. Duncan kissed her head causing her to smile. "Wish me luck."

"Good luck, baby."

Duncan kissed her before walking away. Rose watched the challenge. She saw how Duncan let go, but was shocked that Lindsey still won. "Wow." Bridgette says.
That night at the sacrifice, Rose sat behind Duncan. They were losing members. She heard Bridgette and Dj was safe also Geoff. "Rose." She smiled as she walked up to get her marshmallow. The only two people left were Duncan and Harold, but when Duncan grabbed Chris because of what he was saying, he gave him the marshmallow causing him to walk over to Rose and kiss her.
After Harold got to leave, Duncan took Rose to a spot that he had set up for her. "Here we are." He says causing Rose to smile.

"Why? You don't have to do any of this for me. I like you just the way you are."

"I know. I just wanted to do something special for you."

Rose knew there were no cameras around or anyone since this is the spot that no one won't come too. She pulled her shirt up just for Duncan to stare, but he saw wasn't seeing what Harold only wanted. He saw his beautiful girlfriend. He walked over to her and kissed her. She pulled her shirt down before putting wrapping her arms around his neck. He lowered her down as they continued their heated make out session.

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