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"Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor survival skills." Chris tells them. "I'm not going to lie to you, some of you may not come back alive."

Rose gave him a look that wasn't impressed. She looked at Duncan and sighed as this challenge was going to be challenging and they have to win. The more, Chris talk, the more Rose wanted to smack him. She watched as Duncan caught the map causing him to hand the map to Rose. Duncan looked at the map with her before they left.
In the woods, they started their walks. Rose had the map as she walked ahead of them. No one said a word as they followed Rose. They never noticed two members were missing. "Rose." She looked at Duncan. "When do you think we can rest?"

"Till we have reached a spot for us." She tells him.

They found a spot and it was dark. They started fixing their tent. "What's for dinner, woman? I'm starving." Rose heard Duncan say.

"Give me a second and we will have us dinner." She tells him.

"Hey, guys, look at what I found!" Geoff said.

"Well, I never had rabbit stew before, but what the heck, I'm game." Duncan said as him, Rose, and Harold walked over to Geoff.

"This is my new pet." Geoff said. "I'm calling him 'Bunny'."

"So you couldn't find any food?" Rose asked. "Then it looks like we're eating grubs and berries for dinner."

"Has anyone seen tweedle dum and tweedle idiot?" Duncan asked causing Rose to realize they were missing. 

"Oh great." Rose said. "We're definitely lost."

Sometime later, the Killer Bass fixed a fire as Rose was enjoying the heat. She was sitting beside Duncan as he started telling them a story. She smiled as she listened. Rose was screamedwith the others as she saw the hook. "Duncan!" She said holding her chest. "That was not funny."

"Oh, yes, it was." He said making Rose shake her head at him. "I just wish it was all on camera." 

"Duncan, it is caught on camera." Rose said as she went to walk away till she heard a howl causing her to get in Duncan's arms. 

Duncan smirked as he held Rose.
That night, Rose was wide awake as she couldn't sleep. The next thing she knew, the tent went up in flames causing her to sigh. "Guess we are sleeping under the stars." She said as she looked at Bridgette. "Are you okay?"

"Thank you, Rose." 

It started raining, causing Rose to sigh as this was not part of the plan. D.J. held a leaf over them to keep them all dry the best he could.

The next morning, Rose was sound asleep on Duncan's chest. She snuggled into his chest causing him to wake up. "Good morning sunshine."

"Good morning." She said as she raised up and stretched. "I was comfortable, thanks to you." 

Duncan smiled as he laid back down. "Good to know, beautiful."

"We need to get going if we want to win." 
Arriving at the checkpoint, Rose smiled. "We're the first ones back!"

When Chris pointed out to the gophers that the Killer Bass was missing Katie and Sadie, they arrived not to long afterwards. "Seriously." She said as she walked over to them. "I'm sorry to interrupt the love fest, but you two just cost our win."

Rose smiled as she held her marshmellow. "Hey, you're still in the game."

"So are you, Duncan." She said as the rest was passed out leaving it for the best friends to be picked. One goes home. 

Rose watched them panic. She shook her head as Katie was sent home. They all went to the dock as Katie left. 
That night, Rose sat in her blanket when Duncan walked over to her. "Hey."

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Duncan, it's fine." She tells him as she kissed him. "You're a wonderful story teller. Good night." 

Duncan watched as she walked away. "That woman."

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