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Rose was sound asleep when she woke up. She raised up causing Bridgette to look at her. "Rose, your hair."

"I know." She says getting off the top bunk. "So, what is the strategy for today's challenge girls."

"Work as a team." They said.

"It's time for us to get dress and go."

"Let's do this."
Meeting up at the beach, Duncan had his hand on Rose's hips as they listened to Chris tell them that they will be cooking. Rose loves cooking causing Duncan to look at the truck. "Hello, head chef." Duncan says causing Rose to smile.

"You may want to let me help you." She tells him. "I cook a lot."

"Baby, I will never say no to you."

"Get what you think we should go with."

He nodded causing Rose and Bridgette to walk away with Sadie as the boys went and got what they need for the meal they have to make. "Duncan calls dibs on Rose."

"Fine with me."
When they were partnering up, Rose was excited as Duncan pulled her to his side. She looked at him as their team were paired up and ready to do the challenge.

In the confession stand, Rose sat there. "I don't care working with Duncan. He makes it more exciting and I happen to enjoy his company." She says. "You can say I like him and I'm not worried one bit about this challenge. We don't have any one on this team being controlling." Rose heard Duncan calling for her. "Well, I think its time to get to work."
In the kitchen, Rose was stirring as Duncan was rolling the dough out. She looked up and gasped as she saw one of her team mates in underwear causing her to look at Duncan. "Where are he's shorts?"

"I don't know."

Rose knew he lied, but she doesn't care as she went back to stirring. She heard laughing causing Sadie to get beside her. "You like him, don't you."



The girl blushed as she does like Duncan and can't wait to see where things go between them. She nodded as they started working as she knew the guys were picking on their cabin mate. She heard laughing and looked at them to see that they pulled a prank causing her to smile as she knew they were just having a fun time.
"Duncan, what are you doing?" She asked laughing.

Duncan squirted her with sauce causing her to throw a bowl of dough at him causing him to look at her as she laughed. He brought her closer to him and kissed her. She laughed as they pulled apart.
At the confession box, Rose smiled at what she just did. "I may see something going for us, but I don't know how he feels about me. I'm just having fun while doing this crazy show." She says. "I don't think he sees me like that."
Rose looked at their dish smiling. She couldn't believe that they were done and serving Chris. She smiled as she couldn't believe that they did great. Now it was the gophers. She ran to Duncan and jumped in his arms. Their dish was up next causing Chris to look at them as Duncan put his hand on Rose's shoulder.

"Please be good."


"21 one points. We're good."

Duncan hugged her as they watched the Gopher's go next. Rose and Duncan heard that Heather was locked in the freezer causing them to shake their heads. When they heard they won, Rose smiled as they won. Again. When they heard that they were dining under the stars had Duncan kissing Rose.

Bridgette and Sadie smiled as Rose and Duncan kissed.
That night, The Killer Bass were enjoying their food. Duncan watched Rose talk to the other campers causing him to smile.
The next day, the girls were swimming. Rose saw him naked causing her to look at Duncan. "I'm sure he learned his lesson boys."

"I think so too." Geoff threw the shorts at him.

They watched Harold run back to the cabin causing Rose to laugh. "What am I going to do with you, Duncan?"

"You'll find out."

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