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Rose fell out of bed as she heard the horn. "Are you okay?' Bridgette asked.

"Yeah." She replied raising up. "It's too early."

They all walked out and heard Chris announcing the next challenge."Okay, I hope you're all ready. The next challenge begins exactly one minute." Chris says.

Rose had a funny feeling about this. "Excuse me, that's not enough time to have breakfast." Owen pointed out.

"You'll have your breakfast, Owen. After your 20 kilometer run around the lake." Chris tells them.

Eva started to attack Chris causing Duncan and Geoff to grab her. "I don't blame you, but I hope you know, that you need to control your temper before they decide who gets voted off next."

Eva sighed as Rose was right. Rose started jogging with Duncan to the cafeteria. "We'll win this."

"Hmmm." Rose said as she didn't believe a word.
Sitting around waiting for Harold to arrive. Duncan was fanning Rose as she was out of breath from their 20k run. "Where is Harold?" She asked as they heard him breathing. "I would get up to tell you off, but I can't."

Duncan just kept fanning till they heard that the run wasn't the challenge, but Rose raised up seeing the buffet table. "I think I'm in heaven."

Everyone ran and started eating. Rose was happy with this food, but feeling of the actual challenge was coming up soon. Once everyone is done, Chris started to announce the actual challenge. "Why is he doing this?"

"Good question." Duncan said. "At least I get to stay up with you."

Rose smiled as they went to start the challenge. She just hopes they can win this challenge.
12 hours in and Rose and Duncan sat side by side tired. "Why are you in this game anyways?"

"I just wanted to have some fun." She tells him as they looked at those falling asleep. "Plus, I got to meet you."

Duncan smirked as they looked around at everyone as they were falling asleep. He looked at Rose and knew this was going to be an okay awake a thon because Rose was there and he was enjoying talking to her.

Chris and the Chef was not helping. They kicked it up a notch with stories and lullaby music. After 40 hours in, Rose yawned causing Duncan to look at her. "Hey, hey, don't fall asleep." He tells her. "You have to win this for us."

Rose nodded. "Why the piercings?"

"I'm not like all guys."

"That's true." She says. "I like tattoos."


"They story behind each ink that is put on someones body or why they chose that design." She said. "I design because it brings my art to life."

"Cool." He said. "I may ask you to give me..."

The two saw Owen walk by with no clothes on. "I may never unsee that."


As the game went, Rose and Duncan were getting closer by the minute. Courtney glared at how the two have been since day one. "Watch this"

Rose watched Duncan play a trick causing her to laugh. She saw more people falling asleep, but somehow Rose was doing everything she can to stay awake. Even when Chris started reading again. "You look like you need to go."

Duncan left as it was Gwen and Rose. Rose heard that Duncan fell asleep causing her to shake her head before she too fall asleep.
Duncan helped Rose to the ceremony where they were kicking another person off their team. Duncan was first, then Rose followed by the others leaving behind Eva and Harold. "Harold."

"We're screwed." Rose says as she laid her head on Duncan's chest. "Goodnight."

Duncan laughed as Rose drifted of to sleep.

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