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"Bass, Gophers, today's challenge is a true summer camp experience, a canoe trip." Chris tells them. "You'll be paddling your canoes across the lake..." Rose rolled her eyes out of boredom. "...to Bony Island. When you get there, you must portage your canoes to the other side of the island, which is about a two hour hike through treacherous, dense jungle."

"We've got to pour what?"

Rose looked at him and rolled her eyes as she continued to listen to Chris. She walked to the canoes just for Bridget to call out to her. "Rose, be my partner?"

"Let's do this." She said as she walked by Duncan who looked at her as she was getting her life jacket on.

Bridgette helped Rose push their canoes out in the water waiting for their signal to leave. When the gun went off, they were paddling to the island.
"Wow." She said as Bridget told her what he gave her. "I think I'm going to be sick."

"I don't blame you, but it gets worse."

Rose gagged at that description till she saw the fog. The two friends shared a look not liking this challenge one bit. "Let's go." She said once they got on the island.

Duncan saw Rose running with them. They ran by the Gophers as till they came to a stop. "Which way should we go?"


"I don't know, I say right."

Rose glared at him as they ended up going right. She walked with the others as she felt eyes on her.
As they walked, Rose watched a team member fall to the ground acting like he was hurt. Bridgette ran to him. "Geoff!" She said as Rose sat the canoe down and walked over to them.

"Someone is being a little bit overdramatic." Rose mumbled.

Duncan looked at her as he nodded.

They finally got things going again, Rose put her canoe down and started to work on the fire. "Rose, I got this." Duncan said as she moved just for him to use a lighter. "There you go, babe."

"Nice." She said as she started to blow trying to get the flames to grow.

Rose smiled as she walked off to go get some wood. When she walked back, Rose sighed. "Okay, this is not enough."

"Let's go find more wood."

Rose walked to get more wood when their paddles was thrown in the fire. Rose gasped as the others were shocked. "Why did you do that?" Rose said shocked.
Standing on the beach, Rose listened to them talking about what's going to happen. "We need DJ to swim."

Listening to them, argue, Duncan wrapped his arms around her as they put their canoes together and started heading back to camp. They cheered as DJ swam passed the Gophers causing them to win. "Yes!" Rose said as she jumped in Duncan's arms. "We won."
In the cabins, Rose walked to Bridgette and handed it to her. "You really like him enough to fix it." She said. "Let me help you."


"Hey, it may have been a crappy gift, but you like him and you are my friend." She said. "I'm not judging you."

Bridgette smiled. "Now, tell me about you and Duncan."

Rose turned blood red causing her friend to laugh. The white haired girl smiled as she knew that their feelings are out there, but they haven't really said much just flirting. When to tell him is the issue.

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