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Rose sat beside Duncan as she heard Sadie crying. "It was a long good bye." Bridgette said.

"What do you guys want?" Rose asked as she looked at the screaming gophers.

"We got some extra dessert after our tuck shop party, thought you might want some." Trent tells her.

"Wait? You're going to be nice?"

"Okay. Owen stank up our cabin, and we need some time to air out." Gwen replies.

"Please take it." They heard Courtney say as Beth held out the jello.

"What? Are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asked.

"No!" Courtney said from beside Gwen. "I just don't like green jelly, okay?"

Rose shrugged till DJ through the jello because of the gummy worm looked like a snake. Secrets of phobia was being talking about. Rose shook her head surprised by all this. Till she heard Courtney.

"I'm not really afraid of anything." Courtney said causing Rose and Duncan to share a look.

"Baloney!" The two said causing her to glare at them.

"Oh, really?" Courtney says as she looked at them. "Well, what exactly is you phobia, Mr. & Mrs. Know-It-All?"

Rose looked at Duncan. "Uh, Ce...Celine Dion music store standees." Duncan said.

Rose shook her head as they all talked about. "What about Rose?"

"I don't like small spaces." She tells them as they looked at her. "What?"

"You don't seem like the type to be afraid." Gwen said.

"There's a lot you don't know about me."
The next day, Rose sat in the dining hall when Chris announced the next challenge. The phobia factor challenge. "Oh no." She mumbled.

Duncan looked at Rose as she put her head down on the table hating the idea of this. Duncan started rubbing her back. "I'm right here for you."

"I know."
Rose was terrified as she held onto Duncan seeing the bugs. She watched Beth jump in causing her to gag. "I hate this challenge already."

Camper after camper went. Rose was terrified by what was coming up. Duncan looked at her as she watched. Gwen was buried alive, Bridgette was in the woods, Sadie did her bad hair cut fear meaning it was DJ. "DJ, you got this." She said. "Don't think of the snake, think of something else that keeps your mind off your fear."

"Very wise words, Rose." Duncan said.

They cheered as DJ won. Next was Trent with the mime causing him to run. "Next up is Cody."

Rose watched the next challenge. Up next was Duncan. Rose could tell he was nervous. "She's pretty." Rose tells him.

"Just one hug and you're done." Chris said.

"That...that looks really....real, man." Duncan says looking at Rose causing Courtney to glare at them.

"Dude, she's made of cardboard!"

"Duncan, it's okay if you can't do it." Rose tells him. She watched as he sighed causing her to take his hand.

Duncan looked at their hands and smiled. "Fine, I'll try."

"You got this." Rose tells him.

"Okay, okay."

They watched Duncan run and hug the cardboard. Rose screamed with excitement and ran to him. Duncan was shocked when she hugged him. "Duncan, you are amazing." She tells him.

"Hah, I did it!" He said putting an arm around her.

Courtney glared at them as their team went over to them and smiled as they cheered for Duncan.
Rose knew it was her turn. "Rose, it's your turn."

Rose saw the small tight space and was backing away from the cabinet like thing. "Okay." She said.

Duncan grabbed her hand making her smile. "I'm right here." He said as he handed her a walkie talkie. "You got this."

Rose walked over to the cabinet and got in. "I hate this, but it's only for five minutes."

Duncan waited for Rose to say something. Courtney lost her challenge causing her team to lose out on a point.
Rose won her challenge, but they were losing one member. Rose was the only one sitting as she hoped it wasn't her going home. "Bridgette." The blonde smiled meaning it was between Rose and Tyler. "The last marshmallow goes to...Rose."

Rose smiled as she walked over to take her marshmallow. She listened to her team mates causing her to laugh at them. "That's enough guys." She tells them.

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