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The next morning Rose was eating her food when she heard someone was sneezing. Duncan saw Rose and smiled as he looked around before stuffing a mug up his shirt. The white haired girl heard the annoying voice of Courtney scolding Duncan. She stood up and walked over there and put her arms around the bad boy himself. "Is there a problem, Courtney?'

"He is stealing a mug."

"It's for me. I needed a drink and I didn't grab a mug." She took the mug out of his shirt. "Thank you, baby."

Duncan followed Rose as Courtney glared at them. She couldn't believe that happened.
"So, last week's challenge exposed a few gopher issues and I'm sensing a little something funky floating in the bass pond, too." Chris tells the campers. Duncan elbowed Rose causing her to playfully push him. "So this week's challenge is gonna be centered around building trust." Rose rolled her eyes. "Because all good things begin with a little trust."

Rose didn't say anything as Duncan had his arm around her as Chris continued talking. Their first task is rock climbing. "D.j and Ducnan will play for the bass." Chris tells them. "Heather and Gwen for the Gophers."

"Interesting." Rose tells them.

Duncan looked at her. He knew she was going to enjoy this. The white haired girl already knew she was going to enjoy watching her team win. She watched as the distractions started causing her her to shake her head as Gwen's pants ripped. She heard one of the campers commenting on what they saw. She couldn't believe that they lost though.

"Rose is the woman that I rather stare at."
Next challenge was cooking, but Rose didn't say anything as she watched. Duncan looked at Rose as she was enjoying the trust challenges.
After the second challenge, the third one was crab apples meaning Rose next. She heard Sadie saying she wanted to shoot causing her to look at her. "Please be." She says as she was handed a hat with and arrow.

Sadie started shooting causing Rose to be in pain. She hated that she was the target till she passed out from Sadie continuing to shoot after it was over. Duncan went to Rose and helped her up. "Are you okay?'

"I'm fine now."
The third challenge was happening as Rose woke up. "Ow." She says as she saw Heather walking into the infirmary with a jellyfish on her. "Do I have to ask?'


Rose watched her pass out just to see Duncan with a rabbit. She didn't know what was happening, but she found it cute. She couldn't wait to see what Duncan was up too.
Rose ran up to Duncan and kissed him. To say he was shocked was an understatement. He pulled her back. "What was that for?"

"For showing you have a heart and that you care." She tells him. "I watched you lead that bunny. You gave D.j. his bunny back and that is something no other friend may not do. It's all to who you trust."

Duncan watched her walk away causing him to follow her.
At night, the bass had to get rid of someone. All because D.j. took his blindfold off. She smiled as a marshmellow was handed to her. She smiled as she was still on the team. "We're still in it, baby."

"That we are."

When Harlod got the last marshmellow, Sadie was sent home causing her to shake her head. Duncan grabbed Rose's hand as they were still in this game together.

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