Chapter 29

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"Where the hell were you?!" Harry yelled at me over the phone. It's 3 O' clock in the morning and he didn't notice I was gone until right now.
"I left." I told him as I rubbed my eyes.


"None of your business. If you truly cared, you wouldn't of acted like an asshole." I pushed.
"Look don't start with me."

"Harry, if you don't want to be with me, it's fine. I'll just call the police or something. Don't make a fool of yourself. Actually, don't make a fool out of me. You've been nothing but an asshole. Just leave this alone. I'll be fine."
"You realize if you call the police, I'll be in as much as deep shit as Dustin is."

"Yes, I was aware."
"So that's how it is? I protect you but you can't protect me?" He questioned.
"I have a lot of thinking to do. Just leave me alone. I don't want to hear from you for a while." I said as I hung up the phone.

I don't want Harry to get in trouble. He was a jerk, but he was protecting me, but I just don't want to be with him anymore. I want to be with Niall. He respects me and he cares about me unlike Harry.

How can Niall be in love with me though? We've only spent a few moments together. We're going out for dinner tomorrow and I'm honestly kind of excited for it. Niall and I have a blast when we're together and I really like him.
The important question is, what is Dustin going to do to us? I don't think he'll do something as far as kill us. I don't even think Dustin is the boss. He's one of the other guys who works for the main guy like Harry and the rest of the boys.

I'll just have to wait to see what happens. Until then, there's nothing I can do.
I closed my eyes, not wanting any consequences to come just because I'm going out with Niall.
I hit snooze on my alarm clock at 7, not wanting to get up.
Groaning, I rolled out of bed. "Destiny!" Nancy yelled.

"I'm up!" I yelled back knowing that she was only screaming to make sure I was up.
Turning on the lights to the restroom, I made my way to the sink to brush my teeth.
"Hurry up, we're gonna be late!" Nancy yelled. "I'm going!" I yelled back. After I was done, I went into my room and pulled out a Rolling Stones t-shirt and black skinny jeans. Struggling to put the skinny jeans on, I moved to where my make-up and brush were at. I ran the brush through any tangles and only applied mascara for today.

"Destiny!" Nancy yelled one last time. "I'm going!" I got my bag and hurried into the kitchen to get a juice box and granola bar.
"Could you have any patience?" I asked Nancy as I got into the car. "I could, but I choose not to." She said as she pulled out the drive way.

"Read chapter 49 section 3 for homework tonight. If you're smart, you'd start right now because I'm giving you free time for the rest of the period. " Mrs. Hymphill told us to do in history. I looked up to find a smiling Niall looking at me. "Mr. Horan, I know Ms. Cooper is beautiful and all, but please try to pay attention." The teacher told Niall. His cheeks slowly became a vermilion red and I couldn't stop laughing. "Yes, she is very beautiful." He smiled.

The rest of the period only consisted of reading chapters and answering questions.

"Hey, wanna check each other's answers?" I looked up to see Niall smiling as he held out his hand to get my paper. "How do I know you haven't done it and only want to copy my answers?" I questioned. "Ah, that'd be clever, but lucky for you, I have them." He said as he waved his sheet in front of me.
I nodded and grinned as he took a seat in front of me.

"So where do you wanna go tonight?" He asked as he checked over my answer then his.
"I don't know. Not something expensive though, because I'm paying half of it." I said reminding Niall of our little agreement.

"Like I said, we're not splitting the bill. A gentlemen always pays for the girl, not the other way around." He said scanning over my paper. I rolled my eyes and then the bell rang.
Niall got up out of his seat turning in both of our papers as I gathered all my things together and turned to the door to walk into the hallway. "Can I have you phone number? So we can keep in contact for tonight?" Niall asked me as we both walked through the crowded hallway. "Yeah, I'll give it to you. Just pull over here and I'll write it down for you." I told him as a tore off a piece of paper out of my binder and grabbed a pen out of my bag. I quickly wrote it down and handed it to him. "Here you go." I smiled. "Perfect." He smiled to me.

"Hey babe." Harry said as he approached me and Niall. He gave me a kiss on the lips and I pulled away as soon as his lips touched mine. When I pulled away, hurt was clearly in his eyes.

"I'll see you later." Niall said as he left Harry and I alone. He grabbed my hand and tugged me down the hallway.

"Have you decided yet?" He asked. I pulled my hand out of his grip.

"Yes, but before I tell you my answer, I need to ask you something." I told him. He nodded for me to go on. "Is Dustin the main boss, or is he just another one of you guys?" I asked referring to whatever Louis, Liam, and Harry himself did.

"Dustin is a kind of like us, but not exactly. He's not the boss. No one knows exactly who he is except some of his best men. They always deliver everything and tell us what to do, but no one knows who he is. Dustin is in a higher position than us, but not too much." He said as he lead me through the crowd. "So, do you think it'd be okay with the 'Boss' if he killed me?"

The one minute bell rang notifying us we had one minute till the tardy bell rang.
"We'll talk about this later." Harry said as he kissed me and ran off down the stairs.
I need to hurry and get to soccer before coach gets on to me.

I took the same route Harry did and ran out to the field. There were some of my teammates already dresses out and on the field passing the ball back and forth. Just then the bell rang letting me know I was tardy.

"Cooper, you're late." The coach told me as she came out with a clipboard in her hand. "You've skipped out a lot of practices and you've been tardy more than enough times." She crossed her arms over her chest waiting for an answer. "Yes, I know. I'm sorry. My life has been all over the place recently and I've been having to skip out on a few more practice to figure stuff out." She nodded. "Well it's going to be like this; you need to decide which one you want. Time to figure your life out or be on the varsity team. Miss one more practice and you're out." She said as walked away. I sighed and continued to walk to the dressing room. I quickly pulled my workout shirt over my head and put on some shorts along with my cleats.
"Ladies, divide up into two teams and you'll be playing a match." Coach Dunaway told us. We immediately divided up and the match began.


"When you get off of soccer practice, I'll pick you up for our date :)x" I read to myself Niall's text message. I dialed his phone number and he immediately answered.

"Hey beautiful, are you ready for our date?" I could hear the smile in his voice.
"Yeah, although I'm going to be extremely sweaty." I sighed as I looked down at myself to see I was covered in grass stains, dirt and sweat.

He giggled "I'll take you by your house if you'd like so you can take a shower and get ready."
"I'd appreciate it so much if you did." I breathed.

"Alright, I'm on my way right now." We said our goodbyes and I sat on the bench in desperation until he arrived.
"Hey Destiny." I looked up to see Lucy approached me and took a seat next to me. "Hi," I smiled. "Waiting for your ride?" She asked. "Yeah, are you?" I asked. "Yes." She sighed. "So, I heard you and Niall have something going on." She smiled. She looked at me, probably expecting a smile to appear on my face, but one never came. I was with Harry, not Niall. Well, I guess it is the other way around. I'm going to come off as a slut if I don't get any of this cleared out of the way. I didn't know what to say.

Thank God Niall pulled up in his car. I waved goodbye to Lucy and made my way around to his passenger side. I opened the door and threw my duffel bag inside and slid in.
"Hey, how was practice?" He asked.
"Alright. Coach told me if I missed out on one more practice I'm off the team."
"Damn. Well don't try to miss out on anymore hun',"
"I know, I'll try my best not to."
"Alright, well ready to have the best date of your life?!" Niall asked as pulled out of the high school and onto the road.
Let the night began.

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