Chapter 20

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"Hey." I said as I entered the hospital room where Leslie and Zayn were.

"Hi." Leslie smiled.

"How was the drive to Harry's house?" She asked.

"He ended up sleeping at my place. We drove over here in the morning and he left in his car." I replied. The drive back was quiet. I didn't want to talk to mean Harry. He was a jackass. I didn't care enough to talk to him or discuss anything.

"Harry came?" Zayn asked. I forgot he was there.

"Yeah last night. He was drunk so I had to make him leave." I explained.

"He was drunk?" He asked in a panicked voice.


"Did he say anything? He tell you anything?" He asked as if he was worried that Harry would've spilled something.

"No.." I said confused.

"Oh okay." He laid back down on his bed and closed his eyes. What was that about?

"Well I'm going to go to my house to get ready for to work." I told Leslie.

"But you don't have a car." Crap. I forgot. I guess I'll have to take the bus.

"I'll just take the bus." I told her.

"You can just take my car." Zayn said as his eyes remained closed. Why would he trust me with his car? He doesn't even trust Leslie with it.

"Are you sure?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Of course. Just he careful with it." He calmly said.

"Oh, well thanks." I got up to hug Leslie and said goodbye to both of them. I walked to the elevator and pressed the "floor" button. Once the doors opened, I stepped out to find the car where I had left it. I got in and turned the car on, only to be annoyed by a small alarm going off. I was almost all out of gas. I have to go to a gas station. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to the nearest gas station.

I pulled into a gas station down the road.

"20 dollars on pump 3." I told the cashier. She nodded and I went back to my pump.

I opened the nozzle and put in the gas pump. Waiting patiently, I looked around the parking lot of the gas station. There weren't many cars, just a couple.

I then spotted a familiar black hummer parked in a alley along with a grey big truck. Harry's car. Well I assume so.

I looked around the area to see if I saw Harry, but there was no sign of him. That was until I saw Dustin step out of the grey truck, then Harry followed getting out of his hummer. I noticed that there were a couple of buff men in Dustin's car. What were they doing? I stayed watching for anything interesting happen. Was this what got Harry mad? Dustin called to meet with Harry and Harry got mad? The two men stepped out of the car and were standing beside Dustin as him and Harry spoke.

I saw Harry hand over a wad of cash, then he got a Baggie in return. What was inside the bag? Harry tucked it into his pocket, and then continued talking.

Just as I was about to leave, one of Dustin's buff men pulled out a gun and pointed it to Harry's head.

I immediately panicked, but Harry didn't seem to he bothered by it. He just stood there. I heard the gun click and I wanted to scream for them to put it down.

The men pulled the gun away from Harry's head, and pointed it to Harry's leg instead. The gun shot wasn't very loud, but it was loud enough to know that they had shot Harry.

Harry fell down to the floor. I panicked. I didn't know what to do, so I did what anybody else would do, scream.

"Harry!" I yelled.

Dustin looked up and saw me. Harry looked up from the ground and his eyes grew wide. Dustin whispered something to the men, and they nodded. Next thing I knew, they were heading my way with two guns in both of their hands.

"Destiny, run away!" Harry cried.

I pulled out the pump and threw it andran to the car and turned it on.

I was startled when gun shots started hitting the glass, but they didn't go through. Were Zayns car widows bulletproof? I didn't care, they just saved my life. I immediately drove forward while the men kept shooting. Would they do something to Harry ? What if they killed him? I continued driving. Wait, where was I driving to? I'll go to my house. I checked the mirror to see if anyone was following me, but there were no cars behind me.

I continued driving until I pulled into my driveway. I stepped out of the car cautiously. I closed the door and took a look at all the damage that had been done to Zayns car.

"Dammit." I cursed under my breath. Zayn specifically told me to be careful with his car, and what happened? It got shot up. What was I going to tell him? I was at a gas station and random men started shooting at me? I'll stick with that since its the truth. I'll just avoid the reason why they were shooting at me. I quickly entered my house and locked the door.

"Hey." Someone said beside me and I screamed.

"Woah, calm down." Nancy said as she grabbed my arms.

"Why are you jumpy?" She laughed.

"Nothing. You just scared me." I lied.
I walked to go my room and jumped on my bed. Why did Dustin tell those guys to shoot me? Should I go to work? What if they show up there? What happened to Harry? What if they kill him?

As more questions kept creeping into my mind I drifted off into a deep sleep.


"Destiny!" I heard Nancy call my name from the living room. I woke up and checked the time. 2:38. I have to go to work at 5. I have enough time to get ready.

"Destiny." She called again.

"What?" I called back out. "Come over here." She yelled. I grunted and got out if bed. I opened the door and walked out. I heard voices. Was someone here? "Destiny." She sounded irritated. I followed her voice into the kitchen.

My eyes widened when I saw who she was talking to.

It was Dustin.

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