Chapter 7

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I opened my eyes to compete darkness. My throat was dry. I needed to drink some water. I got out of my bed and walked out of my room.

Going into my sisters room, I turned on the lights to talk to her about what had happened, but she wasn't there. Where could she have been ?

I went back into my room to get my phone to call her, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

The only phone that I had was the house phone, so I made my way to the dining room. Dialing here number, I wondered what could have happened to her.


"Nancy, where are you?" I practically yelled. She has never stayed out this late. My mom was rarely home, which made my sister in charge. My aunt would check on us time to time, but not enough to actually keep up with our lives. Since Nancy was in charge, she could do whatever she wanted. My mom would send us money to help out with groceries and clothes and she still payed all the bills. My dad left us a few ago and I'm glad he did. He's done so much damage to this family I don't even know where to begin. Last time I heard, he has a family in California with his new wife and 3 kids. He tried to get in contact with me, but I wouldn't accept it. After all, he was the asshole that ruined my life.

"I'm right outside." she stated but in a low voice.

"Why are you there?" There was silence and the other line went dead.

I made my way to the front door to check, but there was nothing there. At that moment, I heard the back door slam shut.

"Destiny?" I heard Nancy call followed by a muffled cry.

"What do I do?" I heard her behind me. It soon broke into cries for help. I slowly turned around, not sure weather I wanted to.

Nancy had a gun to her head and the one holding it couldn't be anyone but Jack.

"You know something," he snorted.

"When I want something, I get what I want. It doesn't matter how, it doesn't matter when or where, but I do. And may I say, you have a beautiful sister." He said as he smelt her hair.

"Please stop." Nancy cried.

"You know, I couldn't do this alone. I have to give credit to someone. I wouldn't have found you or even known about you. So, now I introduce you to the one man who introduced me to you." He said, then the man stepped out from behind. He was wearing a black shirt and baggy jeans. He had dark brown hair that was combed to the side, and green eyes.

"Oh my god!" I cried. "How could you!? To your own family? you sick bastard!" I yelled to my father --if I even want to call him that.--

He chuckled and pulled a shiny object out of his pocket. It was a knife.

"Please, let Nancy go. Take me. She didn't do anything. Just please, don't hurt her." My vision was blurred by the tears forming in my eyes. They both laughed.

"Well you see Destiny," Jack started shifting from one leg to another.

"I don't want you anymore. When you hit me in the balls, it hurt really fucking bad. So I don't care about you. I just care about one thing only. And that's making you suffer." He said with a smirk, then slowly pulled the gun up to Nancy's head, and shot her. I watched as her lifeless body fell to the ground. The blood from her head immediately spread to the floor. I cried out and dropped to my knees. Crawling to her body in sobs, I cried out. Her brown hair covering her face, her pale skin covered in blood, her body not moving. "Nancy!" I yelled over and over again. "Please, don't be gone! I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I'm sorry I wasn't a sister you would have wanted, but I tired. You were the reason for me to keep on going. You were my inspiration, my rock. I'm sorry Nancy, I'm so sorry." I said as the tears continued running down my face. I then heard laughing above me. I stood to my feet, ready to charge at my father before he stuck the knife right inside my stomach. Feeling the pain, I tried to cry, to scream, to do anything, but nothing came out.

"Destiny! wake up!" I heard yelling. I opened my eyes to Nancy hovering over me, eyes wide open, hair a mess, stress clearly in her eyes. I immediately pull her into a hug, glad knowing I still had her here with me. I don't know what I would do without her. She's the only that has been here for me, and I mean through everything. She's the only true friend I have other than Leslie. I'm glad it was just a nightmare. Wait, A nightmare? Oh no.

"This is the second one this week." she said as she slowly pulled away from the hug. I closed my eyes knowing what this was.

They're coming back, aren't they?" Nancy asked carefully examining my face for my reaction, but I didn't have one.

Not this again. I had a horrible childhood because of the nightmares. They can't be coming back. They can't be.


Hey guys! Please don't forget to vote. I know it's Annoying , but please. I'm working really hard on this book. I'm actually thinking of postponing it for a few months because I don't think anyone's reading it /: I need to get the word out. Please tell a friend if you like it. I'm thinking about now updating everyday, so please help out here. Thanks to everyone reading this book and I hope you like it. My Instagram is @/onedirection_fans_are_amazayn so yeah. Love all of y'all who read this! Muah

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