Chapter 5

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I quickly finished taking a shower because all I wanted to do was go home and forget everything.

"Nancy," I said speaking into my phone. "Come pick me up. I'm done with practice."

"I'm with Joey right now, I'll be there in about 1 hour." She said in a hushed tone.

"An hour? Why can't you just leave him and pick me up right now?" I was really getting mad about her always spending her time with him. Wherever we went, he had to be there. I heard noise in the background and faint whispering.

"Look, she said she was going to be there in an hour, so deal with it. We're trying to spend some time without you, so suck it up." The voice had now changed into a males. It was Joey.

"How about you shut up, and tell her to come pick me up. I'm getting tired of you. I'm going to kill you one-" I was cut off by laughing and then the phone being hung up. I huffed and then walked out of the shower room. I stepped out, and it was raining. I should have known. The sky did look dark about an hour ago. Great. I went back inside to call Leslie to see if she could pick me up.


"Hey, Leslie. My sister can't pick me up, can you please come by?" I asked in a polite voice. She did have a car. I should have just gone home with her after practice. All of this wouldn't of happened if I would've went with her.

"I'm sorry, I can't either. My mom just took my car to run an errand. I don't have a way to get you. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Thanks anyways."

Who could come pick me up? I didnt know anyone else who had a car

I hung up and then got my bags to start walking. It was raining really hard, so I decided that I'd wait to see if it stops or it just cools down a bit.

10 minutes had passed and I think it got worse. I put my phone at the bottom of my bag to try to keep it dry, but I'm sure it wouldn't really help. Stepping out, I got soaked within 5 seconds of being out there. I made it out of the school, and now on the hwy. There were a lot of cars passing which made it difficult for me to cross the road to get on my street. This walk was going to be a long one. The rain had slowed down a little bit, but not enough to the point where I could walk calmly and not worry about everything in my Bag. I kept waiting the hwy to be clear from cars so I could cross, but they kept coming. I was freezing, and it had only been about 3 minutes since I started walking. Just when the last car was passing, it beeped and pulled over beside me. There were two men in the front, and one in the back. They all looked older than thirty. The passenger rolled down his window.

"Need a ride sweetheart?" He said with a smirk. He was bald and had a thick mustache that was connected with his beard.  "No," I smiled politly. "I was just getting to my house. It's down that street. Two houses down. " I said pointing to the street across the road. I hoped that they couldn't tell that I was lying, I was horrible at it. "We could still drive you. It's no trouble at all." He said with the same smirk.

"No it's fine. Really. " I said with a smile. I had to be nice and hope they would be the same way. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I started walking forward when they opened all their doors. "What's the hurry? We won't bite." One with a long ponytail said. It wasn't a very good look. Especially one right now.

I turned around and ran. I could hear them right behind me. Running  into the woods, I made sure did a lot of turning hoping I would lose them, but I could still hear them right behind me. I slipped on a puddle of water , and quickly tried to get up, but it was no use. Two of them had already put their hands around me.

"A resister is always fun," the last one said. They turned me around and started walking back to the car. I screamed as Loud as I could, I Hit them, I scratched, I even kicked one in the crotch, but the others managed to get me. I kept screaming until I got slapped in the face. "Shut the fuck up. Damn." The one who was in the passenger seat yelled. Before I knew it, he had pulled me over his shoulder. It was no use, I couldn't escape these men. They were stronger. We were now out of the woods, and on the hwy. How could no one passing on the road not see this? They all ignored my situation. Jerks. Why couldn't a police pass by ?

"Jack, who's car is that?" The one with the ponytail asked the driver. I looked up and saw a black Hummer behind their car. "I don't know, but lets hurry up and put her in the back. Get the car and pull into this street so no one can see us stuffing her in the trunk." Jack said as he pointed to the street that was a few feet away. It was hidden by some bushes, and it was a street I hadn't seen before, but it was clear as day when you a few feet away from it. They were horrible kidnappers. They didn't care that we were on a busy hwy where anyone could see us, They just cared about getting the victim.

We walked into the street waiting for the guy in the ponytail to go get the car and pull up. By this time I had been crying my eyes out, and my cheek was still stinging from the slap. What were they going to do to me? Would they kill me? Would they ever let me go? I started getting a headache from all the crying. A few minutes had passed and the car still hadn't pulled up. "Dammit. What's taking him so long?" Jack asked. The one that was holding me shrugged.

"I'll go get it myself. You stay right here with the girl." He ran up the street onto the hwy, then turned to the left to get the car.

"What are you going to do with me?" I sobbed to the one holding me.

"We're just going to have fun, don't worry," he said with his smirk. I hated it. He looked incredibly ridiculous with it. It certainly didn't fit him. I couldn't help but to start crying again. This day was really the worse day. For god sakes, im getting kidinapped .Why wouldn't it be? He let me down, but still held onto my arms.

5 minutes had passed and jack still hadn't returned. I heard many huffs being let out by the guy that was holding me.

What if something happened to them? I could probably escape without a problem. There was only one of them left now. I could run and maybe try to get help on the hwy.

Right when I was getting my hopes up, the car pulled into the street. I let out a cry knowing that this was it. I should have known that nothing happened to them. The car stopped a little ahead of us so we had to walk the rest of the way.

Jack now had a hoodie over his head, I'm guessing to keep from getting wet from the rain. He stepped out of the car to open the trunk.

"Jack, I was getting worried. I thought something happened. I'm just glad to see you bud. What happened with James?" He asked looking around. I couldn't help but to wonder the same thing about the guy in the pony tail. He didn't say anything .


He opened the trunk to discover Jack and James laying there unconscious.

He looked up, and it was Harry.

"What the,-" were the only words The guy managed to say In confusion before Harry's fist connected with his jaw.

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