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N e w e r O p p o r t u n i t i e s

"So, I scheduled my interview for later," I said, eating on the ice cream with Toya as we took a walk at the park. "I'm excited for this one because I still haven't heard anything from the other interview,"

"I'm sure this interview will go well," Toya replied, taking a bite out of her ice cream. "Second interviews are usually a good sign. It's them already knowing you, but wanting to know more and seeing if you'll be right person for the opportunity. I already know that you have it though."

"Bye, and how can you bite out of ice cream without your teeth crying?"

"I don't know, always been called weird for doing it though," She laughed, halting as she pointed at a bench. "I don't know why I have on heels but please can we sit over there,"

"Okay," I agreed, following her to the bench as I heard my cellphone going off. I looked at it seeing a new text message from Malik. "This boy here..."

Malik: I miss you man. Sitting down bored, counting my fingers.

"Who's that? Malik?" Toya questioned, wearing a smirk on her face.

"Yes, he said he misses me and that he's counting his fingers," I laughed, shaking my head at his shenanigans.

"He's a clown," She laughed, crossing her legs. "But it's cute seeing how you're glowing. You got the happy glow,"

"I do?" I queried, thinking that couldn't true. "I thought that was only possible for a sex glow and that hasn't happened,"

"No, there's a happy glow when you're in a relationship," She explained, picking her cellphone. "It's called a love glow. It's when you're happy in a relationship,"

"Wow, I didn't know that,"

"Yeah, it's cute." She smiled, staring at her text message. "I've experienced it before so I know."

"Excuse me," I giggled, rolling my eyes playfully at her. "How's Terrell been?"

I knew that I shouldn't ask Toya about him but we were literally best friends and we had a falling out. I missed my friendship with him but how can I go about it without disrespecting my relationship? If I knew that he had feelings for me.

"He's been trying to get into some hobbies, he claims," She replied, sitting her ice cream next to her. "But he's been very off to himself, it seems. You know how goofy he is but it seemed to change. I know he misses you a lot."

"I miss him too," I admitted, staring at my nails. "I remember everyone saying we were like the female and male version of each other so it's like a missing part of me. I think I should've never moved in with him,"

"Yeah, I could understand that," She said, fluffing out her skirt. "Terrell doesn't blame you for leaving."

That made me feel better, knowing that Terrell wasn't mad that I left or was that something that Toya just said? I left it remaining in my thoughts as I decided to change the subject.

"I'm finally getting the furniture for my apartment," I told her, crossing my legs. "I don't know why but I'm so excited about adding furniture into my place. My bed is coming soon. I've had a apartment before but it just feels different this time around,"

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