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P a s s i o n & T h e L o n g i n g
F o r S u c c e s s

Four days later...

The week flew by as it was officially Friday, my last day of work and I was heading to my first booking. The very first thing that I did when I got off work was wrote a check and sent it to Mr. Chandler. It was around ten in the morning and I made sure that I bought extra clothes, just in case. I didn't know what to expect at the commercial booking but I was excited.

I stared at the address for the location where I needed to meet up with Katrina, seeing that I was a couple minutes away.

I made sure that I went home to take a shower, put on my white shirt and tights along with leaving my face bare of makeup. Including my hair that was styled in a high bun. Once my GPS notified me that I arrived at my destination, I looked up seeing a huge mansion.

I noticed plenty of cars, so I hoped that I was in the right place. I found a parking spot alongside the building and I grabbed my bag as I felt a little nervous. I locked the doors, going to the front door of the building and I opened the door. There were a bunch of people inside the place; the camera crew were standing in the center with their equipment.

As I glanced around the mansion, it looked very nice and luxurious. I admired the large and luxurious staircase; it looked extremely expensive and I couldn't believe that it was a studio.

I noticed a person wearing a headset and holding a clipboard so I knew that she had to be the production assistant.

"Hi, I'm the talent for the makeup commercial," I explained, introducing myself to the lady.

"What's your name?" She asked, looking at her clipboard.

"Breanna Davidson," I answered, wearing a smile on my face.

"Breanna Davidson?" She repeated, using her finger to look at the clipboard. "Right this way, I'll have Michelle Roberts, the second assistant, escort you to the first department."

"Okay," I nodded, looking around the building as she took me to the another girl who escorted me down a gorgeous hallway. "Thank you,"

"Not a problem. I'll be back whenever they're ready." Michelle uttered, walking away.

I entered the hair and makeup department, seeing plenty of makeup and hair products on the vanity mirror counter. I noticed a gift basket on the other table that was also filled with snacks and refreshments.

"I thought that I would be getting my makeup done by Katrina?" I said, thinking that was the commercial shoot that I had to. "Like a quick promo?"

"Oh, you'll be advertising the makeup products," One of the makeup artists explained. "I believe the producers will let you know in full detail about the stuff that you're going to do,"

It was totally what I was not expecting but I decided to sit in the chair anyways.

"Wow, I didn't think I would be doing this," I said, sitting my bag down. "This is my first commercial shoot."

"For real? I'll tell you what, there are long hours depending on what they want you to get done," She laughed, shaking her head. "Any who, nice to meet you, I'm one of the makeup artists of Simply Elise Beauty, named Faye Daniels."

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