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W o r k
A p p r e c i a t i o n

Once lunch was through, I had to take a few of the extras and cast members into the company's van to the next set location, World on Wheels. The skating rink had gotten booked ahead of time just until we were through shooting the scenes. I felt like it would end up becoming my favorite part of the movie, as I could imagine the bright colors from the LED lights and the aesthetic of it all.

During the ride, the cast members were reading over their lines in the script or taking pictures. Once I arrived at the skating rink, I helped the cast members enter the location without any disruption and made sure to send them to their spots for hair, makeup, and wardrobe.

"Ms. Davidson," Leandra called.

I turned around, seeing her walking up to me with something in her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Hendricks?"

"Mr. McKnight wanted to give you this," She explained. "This is a walkie talkie earpiece; it'll be helpful and will get provided to every department,"

"Thank you," I told her, accepting the earpiece from her hands.

"Not a problem," She muttered, walking away.

I nodded and walked towards the big mirror as I placed on the walkie talkie earpiece, and I looked down at the clipboard of the list of tasks that I needed to do today. First, I needed to sign-in all the extras and offer my assistance to them. I headed towards the area where the extra's were and entered the room, holding the clipboard in my hand as I placed a smile on my face.

"Hi everyone," I greeted them all cheerfully. "I'm going to walk to each person and ask them to sign their names in and to pass it until the last person gets it, and it'll get passed down to me. Okay? Okay."

I changed the main sheet on the clipboard and clicked the pen as I handed the clipboard to the first person. Standing with my hands by my side, I watched each extra sign in their name. The clipboard got passed down by everyone in the room, and the last person gave it to me.

"Thank you," I stated. "I'm sure Mr. McKnight or anyone from the production crew will discuss the things that you have to do."

I walked out of the area and saw the production crew setting the equipment up as I began to think that this was the movie scene that will take hours. While I was staring at the workers setting up everything, I heard a voice connecting through the earpiece, and I pressed the button, hearing the voice clearly.

"Hey, Breanna," Tatyana's voice uttered.

"Hey, are you ready for my assistance?"

"Yeah, meet us out back," Tatyana explained. "I'm having trouble carrying all the garment bags,"

"Okay, I'll be there," I replied, pressing the button to end the conversation.

I walked out of the skating rink and saw a collection of the workers outside taking things out of the company vans. I walked towards the workers and company vans looking for Tatyana as I spotted her behind the vehicle while struggling to take out all the garment bags.

I moved closer to her, and she looked at me with a sigh of relief as I helped her out by taking the other ones from her hand and followed behind her.

"Where are we taking this?" I asked her, holding the garment bags. "You weren't playing about not showing these clothes,"

"Right? But we have a trailer," Tatyana replied, taking the other side of the rack. "I'll show you."

Tatyana showed the route to the trailer and stopped in front of one, where it had a wardrobe sign on the door. As she opened the door, I walked inside as she placed the garment bags on the clothing racks, and I did the same before looking around the trailer.

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