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D e c i s i o n s, D e c i s i o n s & M o r e
D e c i s i o n s

I instantly emailed over screenshots of the contract back and front to my entertainment lawyer, Jaquan Chandler and also my mentor, Johnathan Strong. I looked at it carefully myself, reading over it as did mention that it was a one-year contract and I eventually googled it afterward, seeing that a one-year contract was the industry standard for a agent-talent contract.

I continued reading the contract until my cellphone rang, causing me to look up at my phone that was on the charger, faced down on the bed. Picking it up, I scanned the caller ID seeing Mr. Chandler's name so I instantly answered.


"Hi Breanna, I want to discuss the contract with you," He affirmed. "Are you busy with anything?"

"Actually, Johnathan wanted us both to meet him at in his office tomorrow,"

"Did he mention any time? I'll like to look through it with you," He replied.

"I'll give him a text, did you find anything wrong with it?"

"I wouldn't say anything wrong," He said. "However, some things to go over with you."

"Okay, will text him now,"

I put the phone on speaker, pulling up my messages as I went to the messages with Johnathan.

Me: Hey Johnathan, on the phone with Mr. Chandler. He wants to know the time that you want to meet with us?

Johnathan Strong: How about eleven, eleven thirty?

"He says eleven thirty,"

"Sounds good. I will see you both at eleven thirty."

I agreed, hanging up the cellphone as I began to think. Tomorrow was going to be Monday, so I couldn't go to Johnathan's office at ten. I dialed Mr. Chandler's number back, hoping he'll be able to have the meet up today.

"Hello, Ms. Davidson?" He greeted, sounding confused.

"I'm sorry, I hope you aren't busy at the moment," I apologized. "But I just realized tomorrow is Monday and I have work that day. So are you available today, around this time?"

"I'm available. When would you like to meet?"

"I'll give Johnathan a call and let you know,"

"Okay, see you then."

I hung up the phone, calling Johnathan again as he picked up on the second ring. Telling him the same thing that I told Mr. Chandler and hoped that he was available. He said he didn't have a meeting to attend to until four. So, he was free at the moment. I contacted Mr. Chandler about us all meeting at Johnathan's office.

It wouldn't take me too long getting there, but I slid back into my shoes and grabbed my folder to take with me to the meeting. I grabbed my cellphone, and my crossbody bag heading out of the door as I locked the door to my apartment. Walking out of the apartment complex, I moved to the car and unlocked the doors.

My time with the rental car was almost up and I had to return it. It was time to start searching for my own car. I couldn't wait to start going to auditions and becoming booked. I was still saving money and wanted my savings account to keep growing.

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