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C e l e b r a t i o n

We arrived at the stacked stone and stucco house with a trimmed lawn. Instantly I was in awe at the beautiful sight of my friend's home. I held my gifts for Malaysia's home-gathering party as we made our way to her front door. After admiring the welcome back carpet in front of her door, I pressed the doorbell as it dinged for a few minutes until the doors opened and the woman of the hour stepped out, giving us both a hug and smile before she stepped back.

"I'm glad that you guys made it!" Malaysia beamed, bouncing on her toes as she gave us a dimpled smile. She extended the door more and allowed us to enter her home. "You can sit your gifts down on the table, and we can wait till' everyone gets here to give you all a tour around the house,"

I nodded, watching her leave the living room to head into the kitchen, as we sat our gifts on the round table in the living room as I noticed that Malik and Raheem were already here, sitting on the sectional sofa. As we moved further into the living room, stepping on the Brazilian cherry hardwood, I admired the soft-edged modern yet traditional interior design with wood colors and contemporary furniture. African pieces and figurines were part of the decorations as I found everything influential.

"Woah, what's up y'all?" Raheem's mouth curved up, standing up to greet us. After giving Terrell a brotherly hug, he hugged and kissed my cheek. "We ain't even hear y'all coming through,"

"We just got here, so it's all good," Terrell gave Malik some dap and which ended in a brotherly hug as he then took a seat next to Raheem. "What y'all watching?"

"Love and Basketball," Raheem confirmed. I stared at the Flatscreen TV as sure enough; one of the black movie classics was playing on as I felt a tap on my arm; I turned my attention on to Malik.

"Breanna," Malik uttered, wrapping his arms around me as I had to stand on my heels to hug him; while he decided to be extra and kiss both my forehead and my cheeks then pulled away with a smirk. "You look and smell, divine,"

Divine? That was a new compliment from him that I wasn't expecting, for sure.

"Thank you," I smiled, checking out his outfit. He wore a denim blue jean jacket, black t-shirt, black jeans, and blue high top chucks. He accessorized with a blue beanie, a silver chain, and buss down watch. It was a simple look, but he made it work. "And whatever you use, make sure to tell me when you finish it because I love it,"

"I got you," Malik chuckled, taking his seat as he tapped the empty spot next to him. I sat down, crossing my legs while he instantly placed his arms around me. "I'll pick you up around six-ish or close to seven for our date, you okay with that?"

"Sounds good," I told him, putting my hands in my lap as I batted my eyelashes and bored my eyes innocently into his, giving him a coy smile. Then, once our eyes connected again-- I looked away and focused my attention on something else, being the door. "Has anyone seen Tatyana?"

"I think she's in the kitchen," Raheem answered, pulling his cellphone out of his pocket, checking it before sliding it back. "If not, she probably went to the store,"

"Oh, thanks,"

If it wasn't obvious before, it seemed obvious now that he had something going on with Tatyana. I found it so cute that he was so interested in her whereabouts and how he checked his cellphone for her messages. I liked them both, and if they were dating, I was here for them, one hundred percent.

While I was scrolling down my newsfeed on Twitter, the shrill and jangling sound of the doorbell caught my attention as it meant that a new visitor had arrived. So, I stood up from my spot on the sofa to answer the door until the sound of Malaysia's heels entering the living room stopped me from going any further as she went to answer the door, and I walked back to the sofa, taking my seat.

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