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A W o r k i n g p r o g r e s s

As the day progressed from lunchtime, I had to go with Mr. McKnight to the radio station to promote our movie auditions for Moments of Devotion that I still didn't know much about. I had my iPad, a notebook, writing utensils, and a folder with all of the paperwork that showed the details of the movie auditions. I felt anxious sitting next to Mr. McKnight as he had his driver, Mr. Bennet, who told me to call him by his first name Joel, was driving us to the radio station.

Mr. McKnight's face expression was so serious, and he always kept a hardcore glare on his face that I haven't become used to and that didn't include his good looks and that he made sure to look his best as he was dressed in a two-piece blue wool plaid Versace suit with patent leather Oxford shoes that looked great on him, I couldn't lie. Since he looked so imitating, I was hesitant to tell him that all of the flyers were gone but I needed to.

"Mr. McKnight," I called his name, plastering a fake smile on to my face, as I held on to the things in my hand. "The flyers were all handed out today."

"That's good, Davidson." He responded, shaking his head as he looked casually at me. "It's been a few days since you've joined my company, how are you liking it?"

I was confused, now he was trying to make small talk with me, it felt strange coming from him, yet I chose to remain polite because he was my boss.

"'s going well, I'm pretty much getting the hang of my job. It has its challenges, but I love it." I told him, crossing my legs as I sat my hand on my lap.

"Good." He responded, leaving it at that.

Finally, Mr. Bennet or preferably Joel stopped in front of the radio station and I got myself together as he parked in the front and immediately got out of the car, opening my door as I stepped on to the pavement that I thanked him for. My eyes wandered off to the building, GoldenizeRadio, that was linked with Apple and other deals. I turned on my heels getting ready to head to the front door.

I kept everything in my hands and the other things in my arm as Joel held the door open for us. I walked inside, immediately getting hit with the cool air blowing from the air conditioning. I regretted not having a jacket as a person rushed over to us and wore a Bluetooth headgear on her head that she spoke into.

"Good afternoon Mr. McKnight," The person greeted him, then gestured towards me. "And you MS?"

"Afternoon, call me Brandon." He shook her hand, before pointing at me. "This is Breanna Davidson, my assistant."

"Okay Brandon, it's nice to meet you, Breanna, right this way." The lady gave me a friendly smile, guiding us through the hallway of the radio station up to the station where the interviewers, Skylar Vaughan, Derwin Hooper, and Johnathan Strong sat in chairs discussing the latest issues happening in Hollywood. "They'll wrap up their trending topic segment and call you in."

"Okay." Mr. McKnight and I both spoke in a union.

We sat in the waiting area in the cushioned leather sofas, that had a round oak table centered in the room with magazines on top, and on the side was trays of different snacks and drinks.

"Okay, they're ready for you both." The lady said, standing outside the door.

We got up from the sofa, leaving the room as Mr. McKnight took a seat in one of the chairs at the station as I sat in the back on the long sectional sofa.

"Welcome back to GoldenizeRadio, where we always give you the latest news, speak on trending topics and big upcoming projects with different guests," Derwin, one of the interviewers, greeted the listeners. "We also support black businesses, and all that is black!"

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