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O n e of t h o s e D a y s

"Davidson, are you on your way?" Mr. McKnight asked in a tone that was impatient and annoyed. I held the phone up to my ear, staring outside the window at the all traffic that was near the airport. We were five minutes away from leaving the airport and hotel, as I felt like the traffic hasn't moved since we left it. "I said, Day-vid-suhn, are you on your way?"

"Not yet, Mr. McKnight," I replied, still holding the phone as I bounced my leg repeatedly. I continued checking the lights in hopes that the green light would appear and the traffic would disappear but of course not. People weren't even moving anymore. "We're stuck in traffic, I'll be sure that we get there."

"You better find a way to get there! I thought you were already on your way here," He snapped. "After you bring the actresses, I need you to go to the store and get snacks and drinks for the cast and the crew. Don't make me regret hiring you, Davidson."

You didn't even hire me, your hiring manager did is what I wanted to tell him as he hung the phone up. I sighed, trying to keep myself calm as the actresses in the backseat were discussing their bodies of work in their acting. I was silent, sitting in the second seat of the Cadillac Escalade. I was answering phone calls and making calls while we were stuck in traffic.

I was trying extremely hard to keep myself from lashing out because, on the inside, I felt annoyed and frustrated. Letting out a huge sigh, I set my phone onto my lap as I began to massage my temples. I knew that it wasn't Mr. Bennet's fault for the crazy traffic but my mind couldn't fathom it at the moment.

"Mr. Bennet, is there a different way to the building?" I asked him.

"I'll have to try," He stated.

I hummed to keep myself calm, as Mr. Bennet turned on his changing lanes signal then pulled out of the crazy traffic and took the long way towards the building. Hopefully, the traffic wasn't backed up there. Heading the longer way, it meant that it would take fifteen minutes to get to the building. It wasn't the best option but it would take that same amount of time to stay in the crazy traffic.

Fifteen minutes later. As the ride to the building was now silent, I thought about Mr. McKnight, firing me over being late to the building. It wasn't my fault for the traffic but as the assistant, I already knew that I was going to be held accountable. Aside from that, I thought about Leandra rubbing it in my face once we made it. She was probably waiting on me to slip-up and using this too as her advantage.

I texted Mr. McKnight that we were on our way. The traffic wasn't so bad using the longer way as we arrived at the building. As we made it inside the place, I escorted the actresses and their agents to the film studio to where the full cast were all seated at a long table holding the final scripts in their hands. I tried not to stare so much at Mr. McKnight who seemed to be staring a hole on the side of my face.

Leaving out of the room, I gathered my things to get ready to leave to go to the store to get the treats and drinks for everyone in the film studio.

"Hold on, Davidson!" A voice called.

Turning around, I let out a sigh of relief as I realized it was only Leandra. She held a mocking smile on her face with her arms crossed over the other.

"If you must know, I'm enjoying this," She laughed. "Like you were twenty-five minutes late bringing them in, you know that's strike one, huh?"

"I don't have to answer to you," I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, you do," She snorted, staring at her long manicured nails. "I suggest you get it together because we can hire a new assistant," Snapping her fingers, she continued. "Just like that, don't think you're not irreplaceable, sweetie."

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