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Mr. McKnight above


T h e O p p o r t u n i t y
o f a L i f e t i m e

"You're late!"

"I'm so sorry. I'm still not very used to being in LA," I apologized, completely telling the truth about being late due to getting lost on the way to work. "And I kind of got lost on my way here. I'll make sure to find my way around here hopefully sooner than later."

"Use the GPS." She replied with her high-pitched voice, seeming so unbothered by my excuse. "Here, this is the list of things that you need to have done today on this iPad for Mr. McKnight and the walkie talkie, it won't be a problem right, MS?"

"Breanna, Breanna Davidson." I answered her, grabbing the iPad and walkie talkie from her hands and stared down at my list of things to do today. There was so many things that I had to do for Mr. McKnight in only a day. "Not a problem, at all."

She plastered a firm expression on her face, leaving me in the entrance of the TV and Film production company named, Freedream Film Productions. I let out a breather, getting myself started on number one of the to-do list, meeting Mr. McKnight and making myself known.

I ambled through the lobby, hoping to be able to find Mr. McKnight around the area of this humongous production company. There were so many doors, people standing in a circle near the corner space, people on computers typing away in the main area, yet not the person that I needed to see. Instead of walking to the group to ask them where Mr. McKnight was, I chose to suffer in silence and make my way towards one of the many doors.

I searched every door for his office and felt defeated already on my first job duty as an assistant of his. I wanted to cry but I didn't since I knew that it would be silly to do such a thing on my very first task.

"Whoa! Whoa!" One of the people from the group called, before walking towards me with a stride that oozed confidence, security in himself, and composure as he had a smooth baritone tone of voice. "You must be new here, who are you looking for?"

"Uh, yes I am." I glanced down at the paper again. "I'm supposed to be meeting with Mr. McKnight as his new assistant, but I don't know wher—,"

"Second floor, the first door on your left and it'll have a huge sign, so you won't miss it." The guy directed in a casual tone.

"Thank you so much." I moved quickly towards the elevator, pressing the second-floor button and patiently waited for the ding to lead me up.

As it did, I listened to the guy's direction and found the office that had a huge sign beside the door with his name Brandon McKnight in bold print, and producer underneath in italics. I hummed to keep myself calm before placing a knock on the door and opened the door after hearing the okay.

"Who are you?" He glared at me, holding a confused expression on his face as he spoke with so much authority and power in his deep voice.

"I'm your new assistant, Breanna Davidson." I introduced myself.

"Oh." He slowly nodded his head. "Hopefully you do your job correctly and you stay because the last assistants weren't able to do that."

"I'll definitely be the one to last." I voiced, giving him an assured glare right back.

"That'll be all." He responded, completely ending the talk with me.

I tucked in my bottom lip, leaving out of the office as I knew that this was going to be a roller coaster ride but I was not going to tolerate disrespect from anyone, or let anyone take me from my plans for having a better chance at my career. Although, I would be playing the soft-spoken characteristic trait until I reached a certain level of success.

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