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O n e s t e p c l o s e r

Another day, another dollar is was I constantly told myself each time I left my hotel room and headed to work. Today would be my third day as an assistant for Mr. Brandon McKnight, owner of Freedream Film Productions and the creator of many things. I stepped out of the car, shutting the door and locked it before I reached the front door of the building.

I stepped inside of the building, going to the clock-in space and I hoped to start my day yet by the time I reached the front area I noticed the different workers from all over this building, standing up in the middle of the room and it led me to wondering what was going on.

Instead of asking anything, I continued walking into the room and clocked myself into the computer. Then, I left the room and got to get to my desk to start on my tasks that I'm sure were already placed on my desk.

"Good morning Ms. Davidson!" Raheem greeted happily, ambling towards my desk and gave me a smirk.

"Morning, what is going on? Why is everyone in the front space?" I asked him, staring at everyone that were still standing and not at their usual job locations. "Is there a problem going on?"

"No, Mr. McKnight called us all for a group meeting." Raheem answered, looking at the thousands of people standing in the center of the lobby while he rubbed the sides of his face.

"Do you think that it has anything to do with this project that you guys were working on?" I wondered, hoping that it wasn't anything bad, but a confused expression appeared on my face as I thought that it would be odd for a project to that was worked on for two days would be done already. "Wait, if it is about project...wouldn't it be a bit too early to discuss this with everyone?"

"We've been working on this project for years and had to get the final touching in by yesterday morning, Ms. Davidson." Raheem chuckled, as he looked over at my desk and pointed to the sticky note that was on a pile of papers. "That might have something to do with this project."

I looked down at the sticky note that he pointed to and my eyes widened at the fact that I was supposed to print out hundreds of copies of the scripts, film overviews, and beat sheets.

As I did so, Raheem tapped my shoulder and left to the stand in the center with the rest of the workers.

I needed to have this done, ASAP. I took the copies that I needed to bring to the printer and placed the first copy inside of the scanner and typed in the amount of copies that I needed which was nine hundred copies, both front and back of all the papers.

I hoped that it would all be completed before the group meeting started yet I was out of luck as Mr. McKnight stepped from the door and stood on top of the center stage, holding a microphone in his hands as the people from the meeting yesterday morning were seated on the stage.

"Good morning everyone of Freedream Film Productions!" Mr. McKnight greeted us with a charming smile.

"Good morning." We all replied in a union.

"Today, we're going to be working on the new project and taking the screen play into producing a movie, which is written by our very own, Mrs. Angelina Terry," Mr. McKnight announced, receiving an applause from everyone in the building, then gave us a minute before silencing. "Thanks to her, we all will participate on doing her screenplay justice into being transformed into a movie and getting it into the theaters. Moments of Devotion will be produced by Freedream Film Productions and in partnership with Infinite Screen Filmworks."

I was so excited for this being turned into a movie, especially since it would be my very first time experiencing the making of a movie.

"Today and the following weeks will be very busy, and very hectic but I'm positive that we will succeed altogether." Mr. McKnight ended his speech and that seemed to cause everyone in the room to become so excited about the new movie that they were going to be working on.

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