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W o r k N e v e r S t o p s

It was a very active day today, and I was running everywhere. Monday's at the production company was the worst day's, I could say, I've ever worked. The club scene that the production company was producing was still in development, and then we were going to do the shooting it very soon. I couldn't wait for it because of the visuals, and after seeing how the scale model looked, I could tell it was going to look great.

"Breanna," Leandra called, standing in front of my desk. "Mr. McKnight said he wants to see you in his office,"

I furrowed my brows, wondering what he wanted to see me for; But, I didn't let my thoughts appear on my face; instead, I smiled and stood up from the chair going to the elevator. Pressing the button and stepping inside the elevator, I wondered whether Mr. McKnight found out that I know about what's going on with him and Leandra.

I mean, I didn't tell Leandra what I did know about her, but was she serious about dropping the beef and being friends? I didn't know. As the elevator door opens, I took a deep breath stepping out of the elevator and heading towards Mr. McKnight's office.

I made my way to the door, debating with myself on; if I should linger, but I was about to knock when I heard his voice.

"If it's Breanna, come in," He said.

So, I plastered a smile on my face, opening the door as I entered his office. As I walked inside, I looked around before looking at Mr. McKnight's face. He had an unreadable expression on his face, so I couldn't tell whether he was mad or happy to see me.

"Yes, Mr. McKnight? Leandra told me that you wanted me?"

"Yes, I got invited to a movie premiere," He said.

Um, what that had to do with me?


"I called you in here to ask if you wanted to attend the movie premiere with me?" He asked. "You will still be paid for this event..."

Doesn't Leandra usually attend these types of events with him? Why was he asking me? Also, wasn't that a personal assistant job?

"Excuse me, sir, but isn't that a job for personal assistants?"

Nice going, Breanna; you might not get this opportunity again.

"Well, Ms. Davidson, your salary; will be doubled." He stated. "If you want to see how Hollywood movie premieres are ran, then this is the perfect event to do that at,"

I did want to see how things were ran, but as an upcoming actress, though maybe I needed to see how things were behind the scenes as an assistant. I could learn so much just from being an assistant and being around Mr. McKnight. So, I decided that I would go.

"But, I don't know what I should wear to these we have a dress code or a theme?"

"I'll have to discuss things with my stylist, and if we do have a dress code, I'll make sure to tell her to give you a call," He assured me.

"Thank you for the opportunity," I said, turning around to leave out of the office and closed the door behind me.

I practically jumped up in excitement, as I couldn't believe it—I was going to my first Hollywood event but as an assistant. I couldn't wait to experience it, and hopefully, the next time I did attend an event—I'd be the actress that everyone would recognize.

I began to think about the tasks; I needed to complete this week. First, I had to call Mr. Chandler and schedule a meeting with him. Secondly, I have to set up my private sessions with Ms. Deanne Livingston. Thirdly, I have to go shopping with Malaysia for the three-day birthday trip for Tatyana's birthday party in Miami. Forth, I have to book my flight to Miami, And lastly, get myself prepared for the movie premiere with Mr. McKnight.

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