Chapter 1

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On the last day of summer Harry, Niall, and Zayn sit in Harry's living room.

He shakes with nervousness as he is about to tell his two best friends the biggest secret he has ever had.

He has known Zayn and Niall for his entire life but doesn't know how they will respond to the news.

"Boys! I'm heading to the store! I'll be back later!" Anne, Harry's mum yells from the other room.

"Okay bye." It takes Harry a moment to respond as he is so nervous.

"Bro, are you alright? You've been kinda weird since we sat down." Zayn asks sitting up.

Harry lists all of the terrible scenarios that could happen after he tells them his hidden information. 

"Actually I have to tell you guys something." Harry scratches the back of his neck.

The boys nod waiting for him to continue.

This is it. He thinks. This is where I tell my two best friends who I really am.

"I feel that I need you to know who I am before anyone else." Harry is visibly shaking as he continues. "I have to tell you both that, I am gay."

He looks at his two friends. Niall has dropped his jaw an inch and Zayn has a look of confusion. 

After a moment, Zayn starts to laugh. "Wow Harry, You really had me going. Good joke." He laughs again.

After another silent moment Niall speaks up. "Zayn, I don't think he was joking."

"You're gay?!" Zayn almost yells.

Harry slouches down in the couch, hiding from the world. "Uh... Yeah."

"Well I fully surport you Harry. And I appreciate that you told us." Niall laughs and pats Harry on the back.

Harry knew that he could trust Niall. He was always there for him and he always knew what to say.

And his presence just made everything less tence. Harry was thankful for him because he was able to relax even though Zayn looked like he was about to explode.

"Zayn? Are you going to say something?" Niall nudges him in the stomach.

"Are you actually okay with this? This is gross!" Zayn looks at Niall, almost pretending Harry isn't there.

"Don't do this, Zayn. Harry is our friend." Niall whispers.

Zayn had always felt weird about gay people. If he saw two people of the same sex holding hands on the street he would always roll his eyes and turn away.

"No! None of the friends I know are gay!" He says the last word with disgust.

"Zayn, please." Harry says through the tears he didn't even realize his eyes were producing.

"Don't ever talk to me again, you fag!" Zayn walks out of the living room, towards the front door.

"Zayn!" Niall yells at him for using the cruel word against his Harry. 

Zayn slams the door closed, it felt as if the house would crumble around them.

Everything was silent except for the sound of a crying Harry and a heavy breathing Niall.

Harry's mind was pulling in different directions. One thought was saying that coming out was a terrible idea. Another was that if Zayn couldn't except who he was, he didn't want him in his life.

In Harry's mind it was kinda funny how in one moment he, who he thought was his two best lads are hanging out, the next second he was crying with only one friend left.

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