Chapter 2

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Harry packs up his stuff from his fifth period class after the bell rings and sighs. Just one more class.

Yes, Harry enjoyed school and he did seem to pass each class with at least a solid, but he was tired. It became very hard having to look over your shoulder every second thinking that your biggest secret could very possibly. be spilled to the world.

He walks out of the class and heads to sixth period. English.
He laughs at how Stephanie was practically drooling over the thought of the new teacher. 

"Harry!" A name calls out. He turns around and sees a familiar sight of Stephanie running towards him.

"Hello again." He laughs.

She asks him to hold her bag as they walk to the next class. She fixes her self with a small pocket mirror and lip balm.  Harry laughs as she takes her bag back.

He begins to think of all the times he has seen her act this way. Only when she wants to impress someone.

"Who is the guy?" Harry asks.

"Well guess what class I have next." He shrugs. "English!"

"Ohhh you have the same class as me with Mr. Thompson or whatever his name is." He laughs turning into a hallway, almost at the classroom.

"Tom-lin-son! His name is name is Mr. Tomlinson! C'mon, Harry!" She acts as if this is a life or death situation.

They turn into the class room where all the girls have there shirts pulled down and skirts hiked up. And all the guys are staring widely at the girls. 

Stephanie sits down while Harry trys to keep walking but gets caught by her grip as she pulls him down next to her.

Stephanie shakes her leg up and down nervously waiting for the teacher to walk it.

Harry stiffles a laugh. Bet he will look like a-.

His thoughts are cut short as a man with messy, light brown hair and sea green eyes that can be seen from outer space.

Harry's mouth drops slightly at he looks at the beautiful human that stands before him.

"Close your mouth, don't wanna catch flies." Stephanie smirks.

God damn, Harry thinks, he is hot. The teacher's eyes wonder around the room, not looking for anything in particular.

"Okay class. Lets get started shall we?" The man with the green eyes speaks.

Even his voice is perfect. Its like the voice of an angel.  Harry watches his lips move and he just wants to smile.

Harry feels his pocket vibrate from his phone. He pulls it out and presses the circular button at the bottom of the iPhone.

The screen reads,

New message from Nialler:
Turn around!!

Harry slowly turns around and sees his blonde haired friend waving his hand wildly over his head.

He turns back around and laughs at his obnoxious friend. 

He hears the voice that he was just being mesmerized by moments ago.

He clears his voice and says "Excuse me." Harry looks up to see a scowl placed on Mr. Tomlinson's face. Shit, in trouble already. "Sorry to say but my class has a zero cell phone policy."

He places his hand out in front of him, waiting for the device to be placed in it.

"You can get it after class." He grabs the phone, places it on his desk and continues to talk.

Harry decides that it would be best if he paid attention in this class, or by the end of the semester he will have ten detentions.

"The only rules I have are; don't use your phones, at least try to not fail, and I know how 'funny' I can be," Using air qoutes he continues. "but please, focus on the lectures."

The class laughs at his small joke. The girls laughing twice as hard, trying to get attention. 


The bell rings and all the kids begin to pack up. Seeing as it was the last class, no one in a hurry to leave.

"Remember, if you are under the age of eighteen, have a parent sign the slip to read any of the literature that is printed on the sheet." Mr. Tomlinson speaks, trying to make his voice reach over all of the conversations that are occurring between the teenagers. 

"Aye Harry, lets go!" Niall pats him on the back, walking to the door.

Today went pretty smoothly Harry thought. Other then looking over his shoulder half the day and getting his phone taken away.

"I'll meet you by your car. I need to get my phone," Harry replys giving him an accusing smirk.

Niall laughs agrees and walks out with Stephanie at his side. If anyone looked at them from the outside of the group, they would think they were a couple. They would look great together.

But, in freshman year they dated for three week before they decided it would be better for them to be friends. 

Harry zips up his back pack and walks to the desk that is three times as big as the student desks.

On top sits a mac book, tons and tons of papers, and mug which holds pens and pencil. 

"Um, Mr. Tomlinson?" Harry's voice shakes. His fingers fumbling with the edge of his shirt.

Hes nervous. He has never been so nervous talking to a teacher. 

Well usually he was very well liked by his teachers.

"Harry I presume?" Mr. Tomlinson doesn't bother looking up at his student.

"Uh yes." Harry stutters slightly. "How did you know?"
Harry never told him his name. And he didn't do role call.

"Wild guess." Mr. Tomlinson smirks. "And I heard your friend call your name." He laughs slightly.

Harry sighs and nods his head. That makes more sense.
The teacher reaches of his desk, grabs Harry's phone and looks to his student. 

"Please Harry, don't use your phone in class." He places it in Harry's hand and looks back to his work. "If you respect me, I will respect you."

"Thank you Mr. Tomlinson." Harry says lightly before leaving the class room and walking to his best friends at the parking lot.

That was a very awkward interaction, Harry thinks. 

If Harry would like to have a good grade by the end of semester, he better try his extra best to get on Mr. Tomlinson good side.







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