Chapter 15

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"Hey babe. How are you?" Louis says after picking up the phone when Harry called him. He can practically see the smirk on Harry's face due to the nickname

"I'm great. How are you?" Harry giggles lightly.

"Amazing now that you called." Louis responds truthfully.

He has been so much happier since Harry and him had started to get to know each other. That's how he knew Harry was different and that he felt something for him.

He heard Harry slightly laugh, bringing a smile to Louis face. All he wanted was for Harry to be happy.

"What did you do today, love?" He asks using another nickname to make Harry smile more.

"I went to the mall with some friends. How about you?" He responds. It made Louis slightly jealous that he couldn't go out in public with Harry.

He wanted to hold his hand, kiss him and just show the world Harry was his.

"Went home and watched TV with my room mate." He groaned internally knowing he had to grade papers this weekend. "Did you go to the mall with anyone I know?"

"Well you know Stephanie and Niall. Stephanie's boyfriend Michael Clifford and a few of his friends, Ashton Irwin, Calum Hood, and Luke Hemmings." Harry explained.

"Wait. Stephanie has a boyfriend? I always got the lesbian vibe from her honesty."

Harry laughs hysterically at that. "Are you blind? All she ever did was flirt with you!" He laughs again.

They continue to talk for an hour until Louis can hear the tired ness in Harry's voice.

"Go to bed babe. I'll talk to you tomorrow." Louis says softly.

"Okay. Bye Louis." He can hear Harry yawn through the phone.

"Bye Harry."

After he hangs up, he realizes today was going to be another one of those nights of him not sleeping.

Deciding he would rather watch TV for hours rather then lie in his bed contemplating life, he gets up and goes to the living room.

Not paying any attention to the re-run of Friends, he begins to think, how long would Harry and him last? Would Harry get tired of him?

What if he didn't want to keep there relationship a secret?

Harry deserved to be with someone who could take him to dinners. Cuddle with him in the cinema. Hold hands in the grocery store.

Being selfish, Louis decides he didn't want to loose Harry, so he would do anything to make sure Harry felt special.

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