Chapter 4

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The next day I decided to go check on Sarah cause even tho I don't regret what I said, I still care about her. I knocked on the door and waited for about a minute who felt like an hour because of the rain until sarah opened and stayed in front of the door "What do you want y/n ?" she said angry "I wanted to check on you, I really miss you and i'm so sorry for what I told you yesterday. That wasn't nice of me to do this but you weren't being honest too" I said defending myself. "This isn't the right time, I'll call you later" she told me before moving so she can close the door "This is never the right time, when are you going to face your problems ?" but right after I said that I understood why "Topper?" I couldn't believe it, after what happened he was still there with her. "You're right, i'm gonna leave. What a beautiful couple you are, liar made for each others." I told them before turning around and leaving as fast as I could. 

I was in mid-way to my house when I heard a familiar voice "Wait please" it was Topper, i stopped and turned around to look at him. When he was close enough, I pushed him hard enough to make him move back "How could you do that ?" I said to him "Let me explain y/n" he kept saying so I looked at him waiting for him to talk, hoping that something believable would come out. " I can't leave her like that you know" he said "Yes you can, that's not even a reason to be at her house. I love you but I can't do this, you can't just make us suffer like this. Are you even in love or is it just a part of your little games ?" "What games y/n ? I only love you but I care about both of you, I don't want to hurt anyone feelings" I laughed "It's too late Topper, i though you could change but no you jut can't, you'll be this insecure and indecisive person forever" "Trust me, I want to be with you, only you y/n" he advanced to take my head but i pushed him away again "Then show it! Why couldn't you just act as if you really care about me like you pretend? I want you to wanna kiss me so bad that you don't even ask or don't even care about who's watching" and that's when tears started to run over my cheeks "Topper I love you for so long and it hurts me to see you acting like this, you are better than this and we both know it" this made him walk toward me looking like he had enough, i though about the wrost but i felt surprised by his lips on mine. He wiped my tears with his soft hands and stare into my eyes "I want you y/n, I want to be with you, spend my days and night with you. I love how I feel with you, how you make me feel" I smiled and he putted his arm around my waist "y/n you should go home" but he corrected himself quickly "We should go home, it's raining and it feels cold right now" I agreed "Can we go to your place ?" I said as I started to walk with him.

When we arrived to his home i took of my shoes and my sweat "I'll go turn on the shower so you can go first" he said smiling, I looked at him and nodded. I followed him to the bathroom and watched him preparing the bathroom for me, he even gave me a hoodie and a sweatpant of him so i could get into warm clothes after my shower.

I went out of the bathroom looking like a mess, my hair wasn't dry and his clothes were a little too big for me but I like oversized clothes so that didn't bother me. He smiled "you look pretty" I laughed not knowing what to say and sat on his bed "Make yourself comfortable, I won't take long in the shower I promise"

While he was in the shower, I layed down on his bed and couldn't help but notice his smell, his sheets were so soft that it made me fall asleep.

When I woke up I felt a weight on me, I looked over my shoulder and saw Topper holding me while he was sleeping with his head aginst my back. This moment felt so perfect, I didn't want it to end but it got cut by my phone vibration when I got a text, after a moment of trying to reach my phone without waking Topper up I succeded. When I looked at the text it was from sarah "You're right we need to talk, I'll come by your place right now."

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