Chapter 14

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After the last time Topper and I were together again without drama, It felt nice and even the fact that Rafe was nicer. 

Today I had school again, I closed my door behind me and joined the car with Topper, Kelce, Sarah and Rafe, I sat between Topper and Sarah. "Ready ?" Sarah asked and I nodded. 

Arrived to school we got out of the car and Topper putted his arm around my waist, I looked at him "Everyone is looking" I said but he didn't care and continued walking.

We weren't in the same classes but at least we had lunch together, once we finished Topper passed me a note to follow him so I stood up and did so. While we were in the corridor he took my hand and dragged me into a empty classroom, he started kissing me but I stopped him "We can't do it there Topper" "Why ?" he asked, at the same time a teacher entered it and looked at stared at both of us before telling us to leave "Because of that" I whispered to Topper while leaving the room and he laughed. 

While my last class of the day, JJ gave me a note while the class already started, I opened it "Join us after school ?" was written on it, I looked at him and shook my head at him to say no before paying attention back to what the teacher was saying. I wanted to avoid as much drama as I could, my life was perfect like this.

After the bell ringed I got up and took my bag, I exited the class and walked through the hallway to join Topper out. "Hey y/n" JJ screamed at me, I stopped walking and hesitated before turning around and looking at him, he ran over to me "You should think about it, we'll be at the beach. Don't want to make me sad cupcake ?" he said laughing before walking in front of me and joining the rest of his friends. I started walked again and went out of the school, I joined Topper who didn't notice me too interested starting at the Pogues and especially JJ. I took his hand "You coming ?" I asked him and we got on his car.

After school we went to eat something, we were sitting at our table when Rafe passed near our table and stopped, he looked at us before putting his hands on the table to be closer "Party tonight hope to see you two there" he said smirking before leaving. Topper looked at me "No Topper I can't" I said before he could talk, he looked annoyed and didn't respond. "Giving me a ride to my house ?" I asked smiling to him, he nodded and we stood up to go to his car.

It was around 9 pm when I texted Topper "Coming to the party, wanna come get me ?" he was probably already there but whatever, I putted my shoes and got out by my windows because my mom was home.

I started walking the way when a car pulled up next to me "Going to the party ?" the guy asked but I didn't respond "I can take you there" he said, I looked at him but as I was about to responded I noticed that it was just Rafe "If you insist" I said before he opened the door to me and I got in. The atmosphere was awkward in the car "What game are you playing Rafe ?" "Excuse me ?" he said laughing "Why are you so nice ?" I asked "Why do you care Princess ?" he said, I didn't respond and turned to look by my window. 

There we got out of the car "What about, since when are you a party girl y/n ?" "I've always been like that" I laughed "No now you drink every time" "I won't tonight, i'm not like you Rafe" " Let's play a game then, the one who drink tonight will get a dare" he said "Why would I play ?" I asked looking around for Topper "You could humiliate me, think about that"  he said before leaving me.

Right after Rafe leaved, Topper came over to his car "y/n ? I just saw your message, how did you get here ?" "Rafe drove me, he saw me when I was on my way" he didn't look surprised, I took his hand and we started walking.

Topper gave me a drink "I can't" I said "You can't drink ?" he asked laughing, I looked around and didn't see Rafe "Okay just one" I said before I drank it quickly, "Damn you thirsty" Topper laughed. We spent the night laughing, dancing and talking together until Topper got up to go search a drink. Rafe came out of nowhere and sat next to me "So you drank" he laughed "Just one, can't spend the night without drinking" I said to him "Still count" "And you Rafe ?" I said interested "Come on y/n, I don't drink." I looked at him confused "I do coke" he said like it was obvious. "So about that dare, I'll come to you when I have an Idea" he said right before Topper came next to us "Leaving" Rafe said looking at Topper before standing up and going back to the crowd. "What was that about ?" Topper asked "Just asked him if Sarah will come or not. She won't so I'm gonna go home" I responded "Okay I'll drive you home, come on" he said taking my hand and helping me stand up. 

The ride was so long since I was tired, Topper helped me get back through my windows and I asked him to stay which he agreed to. I didn't bother to change before getting into my bed, Topper of course wasn't the same, he took of his pants before getting into the bed. I got closer to him before falling asleep.

In the middle of the night I got a text from Rafe "Come by my place tomorrow to know your dare" followed by another text "Nvm see you at school" Topper not sleeping saw the text since the phone was next to his side of the bed.

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