Chapter 16

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Right when he entered his room, he started kissing the girl who was with him. She looked like a girl which who I had class with, kinda like the pick me girl of the school If I was allowed to say it. "Well hello Top" I said sitting on his bed and starring at them. I looked at the girl "You should leave" I said to her smiling. She looked at Topper who didn't say a word so she sighed and starred at me before leaving. 

Once she did so I turned back to Topper who seemed embarrassed "Look Topper I'm not here for drama so please just sit down and let me talk" he nodded and sat next to me "I haven't been honest with you and I'm so sorry. Even if my action tell the opposite of my feelings, I do love you and only you Topper" I said tears in my eyes, he wanted to talk but I stopped him "I don't care if you messed up or not, I want to start all over again. I want to be with you, laugh with you, spend my days with you, feel asleep next to you and wake up next to you and the thing I want the most is for you to look at me back like I mean everything to you" He was speechless so he just hugged me "I love you y/n" he said, I putted my arms around him and held him the hardest I could "y/n I want to be with you and you still mean everything to me. I'm sorry for not trusting you but the only thing I'm sure of is that I'll never love someone like I love you, I care about you and I want to be the best version of myself for you, us. I'm never gonna leave you, I'll always be there no matter what" he said finally finding his words. I took my arms off of him and I smiled at him "No need to start over, let's just be better" he told me smiling back at me and I nodded. I quickly wiped my tears off "Sorry" I said laughing "For what ?" he asked confused "I'm ugly when I cry" I responded while looking down, he putted his hands on my chin and made me look into his eyes "You're beautiful y/n, don't ever tell this again". I kissed him and he kissed me back, maybe I did the wrong choice to forgive everything that happen but for now I felt like it was the right one.

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