Chapter 10

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One week passed and things seemed normal, almost too normal. Sarah and I were closer than we ever were and Topper and I had a happy relationship, he wasn't being a dick about dating me nor seemed embarrassed anymore.

I woke up and stretched myself, I went to the kitchen after that and took my breakfast.

When I came back to my room I took my phone and saw a message of Sarah asking me if I want to come over so I replied that I'll come as soon as I'm dressed.

I arrived to Sarah's and knocked on the door, she opened to me and invite me to enter. Then we went to her bedroom and talked for almost an hour until I had to go to the bathroom "I'm going to the bathroom "I'll be right back" I said going up and hurrying up to the bathroom, on my way to it I saw Rafe who seemed weird because he smiled at me but I just ignored him and went into the bathroom.

I was washing my hands when I heard a knock on the door, "One minute please" I said before drying them and opening the door, when I opened it Rafe was there standing in front and didn't let me talk before he pushed me back inside the bathroom and came in. He locked the door behind "Don't talk" he said so I locked at him in confusion 'Rafe please let me out" I asked nicely but he putted his hands on my mouth "Don't play like that, don't want to be my slut like you were to Topper ?" he asked laughing "He told us everything, how you were a cunt in bed with him" he said before approaching his face to kiss me, I pushed him "Please Rafe let me" I said debating myself while he took my wrists "Acting all innocent to turn me on huh ?" he said staring at me and holding my wrists tighter, he left out one of my wrist to put my hair behind my ear "You're such an angel y/n" he said smiling at me but I took this as a change to get out so I pushed him and stepped back to make him let my wrist go, I rushed to the door and opened it to run over Sarah's room. I closed her door, getting my breath back "What happened ?" she asked concerned "Your brother is a psycho" I yelled at her but she wasn't surprised "He have always been" she said before going back to what she was doing. I took my bag "Also my mom called so I gotta get back" I told her "Oh well, see you soon I hope" she looked sad saying this, I smiled at her before leaving.

When I arrived at home, I sat on the couch not knowing what to do because of course I lied, my mom wasn't even there.

I was watching TV almost falling asleep when my phone buzzed, it was Topper "We need to talk, come by my place." that text made me felt weird as soon as I read it. I got up, turned off the tv and putted my converse before leaving.

When I arrived at his house I didn't have to knock because he was waiting outside, when he saw me he looked angry.

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