Chapter 2

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I couldn't stop thinking about that text all night and I was so excited to go see Topper. I made sure to look my best my best before going so i took a white top w jeans and my fav converse with a brown sweat. When I went downstairs I quickly said hi to my mom before going out, my mom is kind just a little annoying and I prefer to avoid her today. 

When I arrived to Topper house, I knocked and didn't even had to wait for a minute before the door open. Topper seemed kind of angry and quickly said hi before goign into the living room. I was kind of excited to come here before but now I feel more stressed about it, I followed him and sat on the couch next to him "So how are you" I said trying to look as normal as I could "Not so good, that's why you here" he said seriously. I was waiting for him to ask me the question back but he didn't, the moment felt so awkward "What happened" i said concerned "Things aren't too good with sarah maybe you could help" he said. I left out a sigh and suddendly regretted it "What's wrong ?" Topper asked me "Nothing" "What do you want me to do?" I quickly catched up myself. "You could maybe fix it i'm sure she already told you what happened" he said impatient "No I won't Topper, whatever you did this is your mistake and you're the only one who can and have to fix it." I didn't let him the time to respond to me "I don't know why this time I though it will be different, you inviting me over and saying we needed to talk sounded exciting because we never do but of course it's always about sarah" I said before standing up ready to leave "What did you though y/n? Tell me, what did you though will be different?" he stood up, I turned around to face him "You Topper, I always consider you as my friend and put you first but you never see that. Why are so worried about Sarah? Why are you always asking me for advice toward her? Why can't you stop talking about her when we are only together? I'm just saying that i'm my own person and not just sarah bestfriend if you forgot about that and for your problems maybe you are not meant to be together, if you payed attention you'll see that sarah isn't the only one who seemed to care about you and i'm sure that many girls would be so happy to be with you." I wanted to say more but I just couldn't, I didn't wait for him to talk and turned around to leave but when I did so I saw sarah there infront of the door, I rushed to leave because I knew that she heard it.

On my way home I tried so hard to hodl back my tears but I coudln't and started crying. I started to run so I could get home faster.

Once I was home I ran out to my room and layed on it, I heard a knock on my door "Is everything fine sweetie?" my mom said worried, I wiped my tears "Yes i'm fine, just tired thanks" I said trying to sounds calm.

I woke up in my bed still dressed, I looked the hour and it was almost 5pm. I probably felt asleep crying, I sat on my bed and took my phone. I was surprised to see how many messages I got, almost all of them were from sarah "What happened?" "Please talk to me" "Call me back please y/n" those texts seemed like she was worried but maybe I was wrong and she was mad. I decided to call her back even tho she was probably sleeping rn but she answered "Hey i'm sorry right now is not the right moment, u should come to my house later" she said before hanging up. I sighed not wanting to get out of my bed but I had too cuz I was so stressed right now and needed to eat, I felt like a bad friend but I didn't regret what I said to Topper. I went to the kitchen and ate something quick before going to take a shower, after that I got ready because if we had to talk then I couldn't wait any longer. 

After having enough to feel anxious and I putted on my shoes and started to walk toward the camerons house, when I arrived in front of the house I started to throw little rocks to her bedroom window until she opened up "Come down please" I said, I though she was gonna send me back home but she agreed and went downstairs before going out to join me "I know you told me this isn't the right ti-" I started to say but she cutted me off by saying "Yeah this isn't, you should go". I didn't want to make it a thing but I refused "Please listen to me, i'm sorry but I had to be honest with him" I said "y/n you're supposed to be my bestfriend and now you try to make me boyfriend broke with me?" she said angry. "Why do you care? It's not like you really love him" I said not holding back my voice "Yes I do, what's wrong with you" she started to be impatient "I can't stand to see you with Topper everyday even if you don't love him, I'm tired of Topper being so blind that he don't even see that you manipulate him. Everything is so bad between you two, you always argue with each other and i'm always the one who have to clean it up between you two. Topper might not be the best person in the world but he still deserves someone who love him" I was so angry that I didn't notice that Topper was here at sarah door, they probably spent the night together. Sarah wanted to talk but Topper was faster "I think you should leave y/n" he said before putting his arm around sarah "No wait, are you finished? Why are you coming to my house just to assume things that you don't know about" sarah said. "You and I know what you did when you weren't with Topper last time but this ain't my place to tell him" I said to sarah before turning toward Topper "I though you were better than this". I leaved not thinking about if this would change things for the better or not. After all I didn't care of how loud I was, the only things that matters is that I told them how I feel and that made me feel better.

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