Chapter 15

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I woke up next morning not even feeling tired which was weird since it was supposed to be 7 am but then I remember that the alarm didn't ring, I turned around and didn't see Topper. I sat on my bed quickly and looked at the clock who showed 10 am, I got up and got downstairs "Mom why didn't you wake me up ?" she turned around "How could I knew you were still here y/n ?" she asked angry, I went to the bathroom quickly and changed before putting my shoes and leaving.

On my way, I looked at my messages and saw Rafe ones "Shit" I left out before running to get faster at school.

When I arrived in front of the school I saw Topper out with Kelce but no Rafe, I rushed over to him "Why didn't you wake me up ?" I asked "You did not enjoyed your beauty sleep ?" he laughed, I pushed him "You ain't funny, why are you being such a dick ?" "I don't know y/n, why does Rafe text you ?" he said "Want the truth ? Okay but not here" I said taking his hand and dragging him behind the school "I was dumb and played a game with Rafe yesterday at the party, he was pretty convincing. We made a deal that the one who drink will get a dare and of course I did drank" "You're so stupid y/n, Rafe do coke" he said laughing but not really finding it funny. "Can you not make a big deal about it, Yes i'm stupid but this dare can't be that bad. Please trust me" I said "Whatever" he said before leaving.

School could wait, I decided to search Rafe. I searched everywhere except the bathroom for boys so I looked to make sure nobody was around and I entered, I closed the door "Rafe" I said not wanting to go further "Let's forget about this dare, Topper was really mad" "Not my fault y/n" he said finally showing himself, he took a little bag of cock of his back pocket "Do coke with me y/n" I laughed "No way Rafe" "Come on" he said getting closer "Or what ?" I asked "Or I'll do coke on you" he smirked "Rafe come on this ain't funny" "Your boyfriend reaction is what won't be funny" he laughed. Call me dumb or whatever because my decision might be disappointing "I won't let you get me addicted to coke " I told him "Sure y/n, Come by my place after school then" he said before going to the door passing as close to me as he could. I waited a moment before leaving too, I only joined my class of 11 am. 

When the bell ringed I got up and leaved as quick as I could, I decided to skip afternoon classes cuz why not. After all my day was already the worse ever, I took my phone "Want to skip school ? We could do this rn" I sent to Rafe. He joined me and we got into his car "After this we are good ok? I love Topper and I'm not so proud of myself these days" He didn't responded.

We got out of his car, he took my hand and dragged me into his house then his bedroom. "You sure ?" he asked while locking his door "Actually no" I sat on the bed "I'd do coke with you" I said sure about myself, he seemed less enjoyed at that Idea "Whatever you want y/n" he said while preparing it, he sat next to me on the bed and passed me the tray. I looked at him "Ladies first, unless you don't know how to do it" he laughed, I shook my head to tell him no "A line or it's not fair" he said right when I was about do it, I sniffed a line of coke and gave him the tray back "Can't believe the y/n is doing coke with me" he said before sniffing one too "So is that it ?" I asked "I don't know is it y/n" he laughed at how dumb I seemed. 

After a moment I started to feel it, I felt dizzy that's all so i laid on Rafe bed. "This is hit" I said to him, he laughed at me "Nothing ever enough for y/n" "You know what Rafe, you're an asshole and so psycho but somehow you still seem nice at some moment, it's funny of how convincing you can be while you play nice. Anyways i'm sure that doing weed or letting you do coke on me would have be fun, more fun than this" "We can still do it" he responded, I shook my head "No you're Idea are always shitty, I don't know what u find cool in coke but whatever. " "I don't know y/n, do you think you could have been honest with me if you didn't do coke ?" I sat on the bed not feeling dizzy anymore "We'll never know I guess" I said. We sat in silence until Rafe turned toward me and went for a kiss, I pushed him which made him angry "Rafe I can't, I don't love you. Not like that at least, sorry" I stood up "I should go, it was a bad idea" I said before unlocking the door and leaving but right when I opened it I saw Sarah so I closed it back hoping she didn't notice me. "What's wrong ? You can leave if that's what you want" Rafe said to me "Waiting for Sarah to leave" I responded. After some minutes I finally leaved, nobody saw me and I saw nobody luckily. 

I wanted to be honest and I felt bad for Topper so I went to his house, he wasn't there but his parents told me I could wait in his room so I did it. After 30 mins, the door opened but Topper wasn't alone.

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