(4) reunited ☺️

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Izuku POV:
As afo stood in the doorway every one turned around and was deadly silent i was like gurl the power my dad holds is coolll , then he started to speak " I'm so sorry inko so so sorry I didn't want to leave but had to, to keep you and Izuku safe"
" I know dear I know and I never blamed you I'm just glad that we are all together now" inko explained " mom would you like to stay here" i said "as long if it's okay with you father then yes I would love to" inko explained i turned round to look at dad (afo) and gave him that look and afo said "sure you can stay" "thank you hitashi" "not a problem inko, shiggy can you show your mum her room please" hitashi said "np dad" shiggy led inko down a nicely lit and decorated hall way on the right was a door leading to inko room " there you are mum that is your room ask if you want anything else" shiggy said " okay dear will do" inko said calmly
This is inkos room

Izuku POV: As afo stood in the doorway every one turned around and was deadly silent i was like gurl the power my dad holds is coolll , then he started to speak " I'm so sorry inko so so sorry I didn't want to leave but had to, to keep you and Izu...

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Once she walked into the room she was amazed and was grateful that they had let her stay their.
while inko settled in bakugo and Izuku went to there own rooms and shiggy went into Izukus room to tell, ask him something he knocked on the door izuku said "come in" shiggy walked in and sat on the end of his bed "oh hi shiggy" Izuku said "Izuku can I tell you something" "ye sure shiggy what do you need" " well you see bakugo"
" ye" Izuku said
"Well Toga is his sister and I don't know how to tell him and I thought you could decide weather to tell him now or wait a little long"
"I understand shiggy I will think about it and tell you"
"Oh you don't need to tell me I just wanted you to do it since you know him better then me"
"Ye that might be a better idea" after that shift said bye to Izuku and walked out his room down to the bar.
350 words
Sorry it's short it's currently 3:21am and I'm tired and can't think straight

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