(23) stupid 😱

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A week later
Ochako's pov:
By this time I've lost any track of time what so ever I have no idea what time or day it was or even how long I've been here for but my guess would be a week or so.
'Well what to do with you ay, honestly I thought you would be more enthusiastic and entertaining but no your just as boring as I thought' monama said whilst walking into the room he walked up to me and went behind the post I was tied to, the fuck is he doing I though confused as hell and my eyes followed his every movement.
He bent down n untied my legs and arms so that I feel off the pole but just like he probably planed I couldn't move my wrists because of how numb they were but tho I was hopeful he tied my wrist up again making me wince at the lasting wound that the rope made when it cut into my delicate skin from being so tight. He pushed me forward making me stumble 'what are you doing' I said letting the harshness of the words roll of my tongue. 'You'll see' he said with a sinister smile.
Suddenly there was a blinding bright light as a portal appeared somehow. How the fuck has he done that I thought wanting to asking him but I didn't wanna have a chance to have a conversation with the bastard.
He pulled me through n I expected to be met with a dark room then I had already been settled in but I saw the sun rays shining on the floor wherever he took me and the light was a soft white light and it reminded me of the base somehow. He kept my head down by his hand so I was unable to see my surroundings. What is it that he doesn't want me to see I wondered. But it was soon shattered by the loud high pitch scream that was all to familiar. Toga. I heard the rushing and loudness of people running downstairs or into the main part of wherever we were and if that was toga then my only guess would that I was at the base.
'Let her go Monama' the all to familiar voice of Izu said as he went to attack 'ah,ah,ah I wouldn't if I were you' monama stated and the glimpse of a knife that was just hovering above my neck ready to slice the fine skin down to the muscles and bone 'let her go you sick fucker' Deku shouted 'me a sick fucker seriously I'm the hero your the villain you guys are the sick fuckers, no I won't let her go I brought her here purely for my own entertainment' he snickered as deku distracted him and toga crept up behind him 'hellooo' she said and izu rolled his eyes because of how stupid yoga was for announcing her presence well what he thought stupid because monama turned round and Toga took no time no time at all to deal a devilish blow right into the presure point of his head mocking him at cold and his fat limped body landed on the ground, Shiggy walked behind me and disintegrated the rope.
I got up but wobbled in the process due to not standing for about a week and toga walked slowly towards me and guided me into a hug as soon as I was in her arms I broke down like all the pain and tears had just hit me and it took me so long to process it was almost like a mother and child that trust between them where they can feel anything or do anything without the fear of judgement. 'Im sorry' I said tears clouding my vision ' erm what for' Izu said tilting his head 'I failed to bring back the case files I'm sorry' ' chako no of that matters now okay your safe and here I don't give a fuck bout them files all I care bout right now is you, KUROGIRI can you send her to my dad so he can heal her please' Izu stated. He joined us and took me to dekus dad where I was put on anaesthetic to tend to my wounds and the ones caused by the electric shocks.
after that it was all darkness as I feel into my own dreams finally feeling peaceful and safe.

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