(11) special 💕

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Dabis pov:

He walked into my room and was so suprised he looked at me " you really did all this omg Dabi its amazing" - deku " haha thanks i just thought it would be nice for me and you to spend time to gave and i also need to ask you something but first come in settle down and wanna pick a movie" - dabi " sure dabi thats fine with me just what movie do you want to watch and what have you got on offer" - deku ( im just gonna make the anime's like for some series a movie cause i feel like it rn im watching angles of death so ye go watch it its good if you havnt seen it ) " well we have Attack on titan, Angles of death, Death note, Assasination classroom ( i cant spell lol ) and that's about it so what do you wanna watch cause i like them all" - Dabi

"well i kinda like the sound of death note also what is it you wanted to ask me"- deku

"umm well ummm i-i l-l-like you more than a friend like deeper and was wondering if you wanted to umm well maybe like date its fine if you dont" - dabi i was cut off bye izuku's soft plump lips pressing against mine and suddenly turned it to a deep heated make out session only pulling away for air and fighting for dominance which of course i won. Not wanting this to go further into and so i pulled away and we were panting heavenly. " well that felt good and oh dabi i like you to so would you want to be my boyfriend" - izuku

" sure zuzu sure" - Dabi

" really" - Izuku

" yeah, okay now lets watch the movie and snuggle" - Dabi

" i would love to"- Izuku

Nobodys pov:

They put the movie into the playbox and played it the opening credits came on and started with the significant line there are many different monsters in this world, monsters who will not show themselves and who cause trouble, and monsters who always tell lies, lying monsters are a real nosants they pose as humans but never have a real understanding of a human heart they eat even tho they have never expirineced hunger they seek friendship but don't know how to love if i where to encounter such a monster i would likely be eaten b it because in truth i am that monster.

2 hours later the movie had ended but never got turned off due to the fact the izuku and dabi where both cuddling under the blanket in the den and had apeared to of fell asleep. Due to the fact its was 12;00 pm Toga was just going to bed and went to check on them and was amazed at what dabi had done but adored the picture she got from inside the den off izuku and dabi knowing very well that if they find that photo they will indeed kill toga ( not in general )

Ri's pov:

okay to be honest i love this chapter it just wholesome i might make izuku confident in himself i also got a new laptop and i am writing on it now and its so much easier but ye there you go lol. peace out you guys get sleep eat food and remember to drink water good day/night my munchkins

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