🎃 halloween special 🎃

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It was the night before Halloween everyone in the festive sprit talking about what they were going to do and going as, it's the one night off the year where the world isn't split by titles of villains and hero's the one night where everyone gets along.
For toga was getting everyone's sprits up by getting them, well forcing them, to dress up and go trick or treating everyone was happy but tonight was the night before that big day and Izuku wanted to talk to Dabi about something, something bigger then Halloween and something that meant way more.
Izuku pov:
Babe this might be hard for you to hear and you don't have to do it but I think you should go see your family and tell them maybe start by going to see your mum and see what to do from there. If they accept you do you think they would want to spend Halloween with the league. I said to Dabi knowing that it would be hard for him " umm ye sure I will it's time for them to know and it's one weight of guilt of my shoulder so yes I will go tell them" Dabi said sounding calm but scared at the same time " well if it helps come talk to me after seeing your mum if you like cause I'm always here for you buba" I said to him.  " I think I will he okay thanks for the offer bub I will go and get dressed now and go see them" Dabi said kindly and walked and with a smile on his face.

Nobody's pov:
So Dabi went and got dressed to go and see his family for the first time in 10 years obviously nervous but excited. He made his way out of the league shouting goodbye and told shiggy where he was going in the process he walked to the hospital where his mum was put by his bitch ass father endeavour also know as the number 1 hero. He entered the hospital making sure his Hoodie and mask was on so no one recognised him. He asked where rei todoroki was and they told him she was in room *** he walked up to the room and prepared himself.
Dabis pov:
I stood outside my mums room scared of what was on the other side of the door even tho I knew what was their. I knocked on the door and her voice that I forgot was so soothing to my ears I opened the door and said " h-hi mum" " do I know you" she said looking confused I took down my hoodie and mask letting my red hair fluff out I just dyed it because it was proof she looked at me and said "t-toya I nodded my head and she went up to me and hugged me so tight I started to cry " my baby boys alive" she said sobbing softly.
We sat chatting about how I was doing and how sorry I was for leaving but she understood I asked her what I should do about Halloween cause it was tomorrow night and she said it would be an amazing idea to spend it with the league and the family I agreed and said "can u come too then cause we obviously can't do it at the league and we need to meet somewhere" " sure I can come honey that wouldn't be a problem" she said I was now getting excited about Halloween now actually " I will call u here is my phone number" I wrote my phone number on a piece of paper and said my good byes and stuff like that she shouted " good luck with the rest of the family I'm sure they will be overjoyed" " thank you mum love you" I said "love you to Toya" my heart melted at that I finally felt loved by not just Izuku but also my mum and I loved that. Time too see the rest of the family.

Timeskip to when he got to the todorokis house

Nobody's pov:
Dabi knocked on the front door and waited for a reply. A young girl with white hair and red tips average hight and grey eyes answers the front door also know as fuyumi dabis youngest and only sister.
Dabis pov:
" hello how can I help you do you need anything" she asked politely " no actually I just came to see you and your family" I said " do I know you" she asked confused of course " umm yes actually I will tell you and your family who I am can I come in" I said sounding like a moron "oh okay sure" she said and shouted her whole family to meet her in the lounge I took my hoodie of and mask so they could see who I was. they all came in the lounge and endeavour had to shout " VILLIAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE" I said " SHUT OLD MAN I ain't going to hurt you guys I just wanted to tell you something" " well spit it out then" endeavour said as rude as ever but I wouldn't put it past him to say in nicely all I said back was " I'm so sorry sho,nat and fumi I'm sorry for leaving you guys" they all looked at me endeavour was fuming and sho Nat and fumi looked at me and all started to cry and ran to hug me. They all hugged me and sobbed into my shoulder I was crying too surprisingly. " your such a jerk you know that" Natsuo said and they all stopped crying and started laughing I was just happy they still accepted me " toya you jerk stop trying to kill my friends" sho said still laughing " oh ye we are stopping that cause every time we attack ua shiggi gets his ass beaten with a frying pan by a very angry Izuku" I said laughing a lot "oh by the way Izuku isn't a traitor he and shiggi are brothers and katsuki and toga are brother and sister so and everyone at the league was wondering if you guys wanted to come and have Halloween with us due to this being the only night where all villains and hero's get along and their isn't no crime".i said and they all nodded excitedly "enji you can come too I'd you want" I said nervously " nah I will pass but it's good to know your alive" he said a bit happier then I expected I said "okay meet me ——- location and dress up please" they all agreed and I said I had a surprise for them Which they were excited about and I left I texted my mum the location and time and went back.

Izuku was thrilled it went okay and excited about tomorrow night. Due to ot now being like 10:30 we all went to bed excited about Halloween.

Timeskip to Halloween night
Nobody's pov:
They all meet at the location they were meant to and the todorokis were thrilled to see rei and Izuku,kat and shoto practically told stories and stuff all night until they went trick or treating and had the biggest sleepover they had ever had back at the league due to having to much sweets nobody went to sleep and managed to pull and all nighter and feel asleep at 9:00 am so they were all tired and loved the night they just had.

Ri pov:
Okay who this was so long but I love it and sorry it's a bit late lol but I honestly would love if this was like put into Gacha or something cause ye anyway good day/night my fellow lovers

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