(6) harder then before 😬

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Izuku POV:
I walked and of fathers office and notice he gave me a sympathetic smile I could help but smile back and I walked to the others to tell them my quirk to be fare I am really excited to tell them I also decide that's I am going to tell him something shiggy told me awhile ago that I forgot so I got to the bar a shouted " Oi bitches get your ugly ass in here" they all walked in and I smiled " so I have something to tell you guys" " it can't be that important"
Bakugo said "actually as you all know I was. Quirkless but know my dad also know as afo gave me two new quirks one of them is where I can't die which is immortality and the other one works like dabis but instead of it being blue it is green" I explained "omg thats amazing Izuku" bakugo said happily and ran up and hugged me honestly ever since the accident kacchan has been nicer to me and his entire personality has changed and I'm glade that's when I remembered I needed to tell kacchan something " hey kacchan can I talk to you please" I asked the blond boy "sure nerd what's up" he agreed "no like in private" I explained "okay" he understand so I led him to my room and told him to sit down he did and I started to explain being carful not to mumble " so shiggy told me something that you should know and I honestly don't know much but shiggy said it was best to come from me umm so what he said was that kashi is alive and in the base" " wait really" he said excited " yup do you wanna see her" I said nicely " yes of course I do I haven't seen her for like 8 years" "okay one sec" i said I got my phone out and started to text toga ( kashi ) and said i to come to my room cause I had told Katsuki that she was his sister so she ran to my room burst through the the door and Katsuki said "what's toga doing here" " hey kat" she said " kashi" she nodded and kacchan jumped off my bed and hugged kacchan i was happy he found his sister I went down stairs to the bar and dabi said "hi beautiful i I mean Izuku" I blushes like mad from embarrassment and from some who was hot calling me beautiful wait what was I thinking was I was I falling for dabi anyway I replied with " oh hi" grabbed some coffee that kurogiri made and went back up to my room to think about how i felt I went into my room and sat on my bed I finished my coffe and just sat there thinking of how I felt I know dabi was hot but was I really failing for him what did I just call him hot oh god my be I am failing for him but I guess he is hot yep definitely do love dabi ah that's embarrassing I kept thinking about what he said earlier it mad me feel happy and safe so I guess failing for him isn't a bad thing
Dabis POV :
Izuku walked down the stairs and I was think how cute he looked and how innocent honestly it made him hotter so he was cute and hot I was still in my mind and looked up to see Izuku and I said "hi beautiful I mean Izuku" sh*t I didn't mean to say that i blushes but he didn't seem to notice he grabbed some coffee and left oh no I said it damn no he probably thinks I'm weird damn he will never love me I mean look at me I'm a burnt ugly scarred dude who just says comments out of the blue I was interrupted by shiggy saying "remember dabi remember" and that's when I remember what he said the other day he said he would Decay me if I laid a hand on Izuku all that came out was "okay" even thought I want to shout at him so badly I just didn't cause I didn't want to be a jerk and argue over a boy even thought I totally would.

Okay munchkins that's it for today I will update maybe tomoz I'm not sure but thank you so so much for all the views I'm like honestly ecstatic rn Ik its not as much as like 1k and all but I'm so grateful cause to be honest o don't think this is good so but I'm not going to discontinue it cause ye so I'm dedicated to this story.
Also I'm writing a mha one shot book that contains smut angst and some other stuff it's not out yet but when it is I will put it on this story 2
826 words

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