Nobody's POV: Shoto was currently tied to a chair and the rest of the league standing round him waiting for him to wake up and hopefully recruit him. He suddenly stirred in his sleep slowly opening his eyes and looking up as soon as he saw the league his eyes shot wide open honestly like a hunter looking for it's prey he tried to talk but couldn't due to the cloth in his mouth shiggy walked up to him and took the gag out everyone intrigued what he was going to say. He opened his mouth to fight back but nothing came out it was like he was been silenced by someone's quirk but no one had that type of quirk. he seemed to relax a bit and calm down " I know why you want me I guess it's cause you want to recruit me well it ain't going to happen" shoto said with a bored look on his face uninterested in what intentions we could do to him honestly it was like he wanted to die
Katsuki POV: I was stood behind shoto with Izuku so he wouldn't see us but honestly the look on his face disgusted me it looked like he couldn't give a tosse if he was here he kinda reminded me of Izuku in middle school tho because shoto has the same look on his face that Izuku did when he jumped it was heart breaking to see just because it brought memories back to what happened in middle school. Izuku leaned over and whispered in my ear saying "hey Suki you okay" "ye just memories" I whispered back he understood and carried on watching.
Izuku POV: Touya said "fuck it" and stormed out me being me knew what he was going to do and I smiled seeming how Ik that he has wanted to tell shoto for a while now and I am glade he saved it for now cause this could make him realise how bad his dad is and he would also like to spend time with Dabi and hopefully would feel the pit of despair and urge to kill his dad. Dabi came back and shoto looked up at him and started crying I let him out the restraints and looked at shiggy he back down from shouting. shoto jumped into Dabis arms and hugged him "I missed you toya" shoto said crying softly "I misses you to sho"
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( but in the base ) "So shoto what do you say you gonna join" dabi said and shoto said yes so I ran up from behind and hugged him and he turned around and shouted "MIDORIYA, KATSUKI" I said "surprise" and I saw the slight blush on kacchans face which I would say is from shoto calling him his real name and laughed and the both of them looked confused I rolled my eyes and left followed by the rest of the league leaving kacchan and shoto behind. I'm going to try and get them to love each other no matter what. Dabi who was stood next to me laughing at me rambling on not realising that I was mumbling and laughed with him. " looks like you don't need to anyway" Dabi said letting a hint of confusion fuz my head I looked behind me to see shoto and kacchan kissing which surprised me a bit and I was really happy for them now Dabi just has to some how break the news lightly to shoto that he is dating his best friend aka me. We all went back to our bedrooms to chill and have a rest from each other me and Dabi decided to watch a movie. It was called spirted away and it was amazing. once the movie had finished I was cuddled up into dabis arms feeling his warmth on my skin. I looked up to me black and green clock and realised that it was 1am in the morning so I got up looked at Dabi and said " well we should probably go to sleep because it's pretty late" he looked up at me and said " or we could do something else" I could feel my face heat up as I blushed at his words " no I think we should go to sleep plus we have the entire day tomorrow cause apparently shoto and kacchan have a date and the rest of the league are going on a mission" I said slightly embarrassed at what I had just said " okay" Dabi agreed a slight hint of lust in his eyes.
Ri pov: I am so so sorry for not updating I have had a lot going on in my personal life and other things to do Happy Christmas Eve everybody Currently 1:00am 24 December 2021 Stay safe my wonderful children xx